Saturday, May 3, 2008

Diagnosis Statement Is Helped By Reaction Of Vassermana,

Diagnosis statement is helped by reaction of Vassermana, cytologic - research of prints from ulcer edges. Treatment . a mammary gland meets seldom, can be primary and secondary At primary the activator - gets to a mammary gland through a skin or on to lacteal channels At secondary the activator on falls in a mammary gland a way from amazed edges, a pleura, a lung. The clinic and diagnostics disease begins with occurrence on a place of introduction of a fungus of small small knots and abscesses - In the subsequent stage small knots merge in dense which then are softened by places. After opening - of abscesses are formed it is long not healing fistulas. The diagnosis put on the basis of the anamnesis ( other bodies) and detection a congestion a radiant fungus in - from fistulas. Treatment: a resection of the amazed site of a mammary gland, , the big doses of penicillin, - therapy, , . Lactation infringement - a total absence of milk at the feeding woman the Great value is given to lactation regulation-.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

The Heaviest Complications In The Sharp Period Quite

The heaviest complications in the sharp period quite often causing a lethal outcome are abscess break in a pleural cavity with development strained a bleeding in a bronchial tree owing to which to come pus in not amazed sites of a bronchial tree and development of new abscesses formation of abscesses in the remote bodies more often in a brain. Medical actions are defined by character of complications at development strained it is necessary urgent for a pleural cavity at a bleeding in bronchial tubes a tree as emergency action is shown by a tube that allows to warn blood in bronchial tubes of not amazed lung. Further haemostatic therapy is spent. In the presence of corresponding a condition operation is expedient - bronchial arteries of the amazed lung which the bleeding in respiratory ways most often causes again formed abscesses in a lung treat in with the principles stated above, therapies of abscesses of a lung treat metastatic abscesses under the standard scheme (early opening of an abscess rational antibacterial therapy and ) CHRONIC ABSCESS OF THE LUNG To the chronic carry abscesses of lungs at which - pathological process does not come to the end within 2 months Aetiology of the reason of transition of a sharp abscess in chronic it is possible to divide on two groups.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

On A Forward Surface Of A Neck There

On a forward surface of a neck there is a swelling displaced at swallowing. Heavy complication is development purulent . The sepsis Sometimes develops. That is why all patients - accept hospitalisation for the purpose of active treatment. Treatment: appoint antibiotics; at abscess formation its opening in order to avoid distribution of purulent process on a neck and is shown. Not purulent ( Kervena - Krajla) is caused by a virus infection. Disease on clinical displays is similar with purulent . - Differs that the skin over gland is not changed and in an aggravation - there are signs (it is raised ). Treatment: appoint hormones of a bark of adrenal glands (20 - 30 mg in day during 4 - 6 ). At repeated relapses it is shown on thyroid gland area. The forecast: usually favorable. Disease quickly - comes to an end with recover. Chronic Hashimoto. Disease carry to to pathological processes at which the antibodies formed in an organism, - are specific in relation to components of one body. At under the influence of the unknown reasons the thyroid gland starts to produce Hashimoto changed gormonalno-inactive -, different from .

Sunday, April 27, 2008

The Stage III Is Characterised By Development Of

The stage III is characterised by development of complications - and suppurations , is very frequent with its break in a bronchial tube. Complications: as a result of hit in bronchial tubes of healthy departments - of lungs a liquid and covers of bubbles can - come . sometimes breaks in a pleura, a - pericardium, a belly cavity that is accompanied by a heavy shock owing to toxic influence on the device and toxic liquids; during this period - quite often appear on a skin. Subsequently Occurs a serous surface and inflammation development. Rupture can be accompanied by a heavy - bleeding. At presence a lung patients quite often mark the rise in temperature of a body caused - by an inflammation. At a suppuration the body temperature - raises to 38 - 39� and long time keeps. At rupture its purulent contents with the rests of covers , and clear the throat. Diagnostics: at survey of a thorax sick - a lung ' to see this or that department, change of intercostal intervals in comparison with the - healthy party.

It Is Characterised By The General Weakness, -

it is characterised by the general weakness, - constant feeling of weariness, apathy, drowsiness, the general block of patients. The skin becomes dry, wrinkled, . Hair start to drop out, there are pains in finitenesses-, sexual function weakens. Treatment: appoint and other preparations - of a thyroid gland. With development of microsurgical technics and - successes of immunology began to carry out - thyroid gland allotransplantation-, using a transplant on a vascular leg. Apply - also free slices of a fabric of gland under a skin, in a muscle, however these operations usually give temporary effect, therefore in practice apply basically replaceable therapy. INFLAMMATORY DISEASES The inflammatory process developing in a thyroid gland not changed before, name , and developing against a craw - . The development reason and is the sharp or chronic infection. Sharp or begins with rise in temperature - of a body, a headache and a severe pain in a thyroid gland-. A pain in occipital area and an ear.