Saturday, February 10, 2007

At In This Area Usually Pulmonary Sound Happens

At in this area usually pulmonary sound happens - truncated or dullness is defined. The data which manages - to be received at , are rather various Especially much largely - and damp rattles listen usually - in the mornings before the patient will clear the throat After quite often listen to only dry rattles. In remission the given blood tests and urine can not differ from norm During the period an aggravation of inflammatory - process the number of leukocytes raises, are marked blood count shift to the left, increases At heavy forms of disease it is found out , ; in urine - there is a fiber, cylinders. Radiological research considerably supplements . Found out changes are especially expressed-, if are accompanied In these cases the amazed department of a lung comes to light on the roentgenogram in the form of a triangular shade with top at a lung root. Its size much less than corresponding department (a share, a segment) a lung. At presence several segments it is possible - to note also shade displacement aside , increases of a dome of a diaphragm on the defeat party.