Saturday, July 7, 2007

At Position Of Gland Research Is Better -

At position of gland research is better - for spending in position of the patient lying with the pillow enclosed under shoulders. The basic exchange is the focusing test in diagnostics of infringements of function of a thyroid gland. It define - by means of indirect , based on calculation of quantity of the absorbed oxygen and carbonic acid formation. In norm the basic exchange makes +10 %. Level iodine in blood reflects the - valid functional condition of a thyroid gland. At - healthy people in blood makes 3,5 - 7,5 mkg. Research with radioactive substances allows - to study inorganic and organic phases of an iodic exchange, to judge a peripheral stage of an iodic and hormonal exchange. In norm accumulation _131 in a thyroid gland through 2 makes from 5 to 10 %, through 24 20 - 30 %. At the raised function - of a thyroid gland it is considerable above. allows to define contours and the sizes - of a thyroid gland (fig. 2) to reveal formations and metastasises, a fabric. At a central craw the raised accumulation in _131 knot specifies in its functional - hyperactivity (so-called "hot" knot).

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Strongly Expressed - Osteoporosis With Full Or Partial

Strongly expressed - osteoporosis with full or partial flattening of chest and lumbar vertebras is observed-. Often it is combined with a stomach ulcer and a - duodenal gut, (the section "Peptichesky ulcer" see). The diagnosis put on the basis of the anamnesis, the characteristic symptoms-, given radiological research and laboratory indicators , and . glands with the help 57 - allows to define a site of gland and to specify its - morphological changes. Treatment: a unique radical method of treatment - removal . . The disease caused by insufficiency . The reasons : inflammatory diseases - glands, a hemorrhage during a trauma, congenital inferiority, casual removal at a thyroid gland resection. Clinic and diagnostics: it is characterised - by attacks of tonic spasms. More often spasms arise - in face muscles, the top finitenesses, grasping symmetric - groups of muscles. Spasms are accompanied by the belly-aches caused by a spasm of muscles of a belly wall and smooth - muscles of intestines.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Further The Tumour Can Extend In Three Directions-:

Further the tumour can extend in three directions-: 1) in a bronchial tube gleam, forming growths; 2) in-filters a bronchial tube wall, extending on it as in a direction - of larger, and smaller bronchial tubes; 3) - sprouting between rings, extends then peri-bronhialno and forms tumoral knot or branches on a course of bronchial branches and vessels. On localisation a lung divide on central (starting with the main, share and segmentary bronchial tubes) and peripheral (starting with smaller bronchial tubes). Approximately at 60 % of patients the cancer is localised in the top departments - of lungs. Mark the central cancer more often, however at - some patients this cancer to carry to peripheral, sprouted in a large bronchial tube (so-called centralisation - of a peripheral cancer) more correctly-. The central cancer subdivide on two basic forms: en-dobronhialnyj ( and ), (central, branched out). Peripheral cancer divide into four forms: to an intradale-voi knot, subpleural tumours (including a cancer of a top - of a lung, or "a tumour of Pankosta"), the form, mi-liarnuju and forms.