Thursday, March 19, 2009

Neck Borders Top - Passes On A Bottom Edge

Neck borders top - passes on a bottom edge of the bottom jaw through top a shoot to an external occipital hillock, bottom - passes on to a breast cutting, clavicles and further to an awned shoot of VII cervical vertebra which is easily palpated at a ducking. Neck departments: forward department - or a neck in the narrow sense of the word, back department - area. In back area of a neck along with cervical department of a backbone muscles beginning from it with their vessels and nerves are located. In forward area of a neck neck bodies are located. The throat passing in a trachea, to a trachea in front and from sides a thyroid gland and parathyroid glands, and behind a throat and a trachea is a drink, proceeding in a gullet. In neck departments pass carotids, internal veins and wandering nerves. DEVELOPMENTAL ANOMALIES (torticollis) - the deformation of a neck accompanied - by wrong position of a head. Distinguish , caused by a dislocation or an incomplete dislocation of cervical vertebras; hypoplastic - connected with trapezoid and grudinokljuchichno-sostsevidnoj muscles; , caused by cicatricial changes of a skin of a neck; , developing - at decrease in hearing and sight owing to the compelled position of a head; bone - caused by defeat of vertebras-; - developing at defeat of nervously-muscular - formations of a neck; reflex and spastic, connected with reduction of muscles of a neck of one party.

Defect Consists Available Functioning Shunts At Level And

Defect consists available functioning shunts at level and or larger vessels aneurysms or conglomerates vessels on type Sometimes are thus formed. Distinguish localised and defeats. - Owing to presence shunts there is a dump blood from pulmonary arteries in veins. The basic symptom of disease , shown by a short wind, sharp , change of fingers of hands in the form of - drum-type sticks. The diagnosis, aneurysms - helps a diagnosis establishment - research with increase or . Treatment: last years at fistulas and aneurysms of lungs with success apply - operations Using a technique on Seldingeru, spend special to area aneurysms or and enter special with a ball of threads a blood clot Formed thus conducts to closing Dump blood in a pulmonary vein stops, there comes recover By means of such technique it is possible to achieve liquidation of several fistulas and an aneurysm, lungs localised in various departments. At failure interventions and localisations in one share of a lung the resection of its amazed part is shown.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Primary Tumours Start With A Wall Of A

Primary tumours start with a wall of a trachea and can be good-quality and malignant. Develop more often at the main bronchial tubes on a webby part. To good-quality tumours of a trachea carry a papilloma, a fibroma, , an adenoma, to malignant a cancer, to tsilind-rum and a sarcoma. Malignant tumours of a trachea make 0,1 0,2 % of all malignant new growths; are more often observed - at men. Clinic and diagnostics: most often sick with tumours complain of the cough amplifying at - change of position of a body and displacement of a trachea at its palpation. Cough can be dry or with which at tumour disintegration accepts putrefactive character. it is observed - usually in the form of blood proveins, arises as a late symptom is more often, however at can be intensive and - is the basic symptom of disease. Later, usually at narrowing of a gleam of a trachea on 2/3, there are other symptoms: voice change, difficulty of the breath sometimes accepting character , a short wind. The short wind happens is more often that distinguishes it from a short wind at a bronchial - asthma.