Friday, June 13, 2008

Clinic And Diagnostics: The Pain In Mammary Glands

Clinic and diagnostics: the pain in mammary glands appears in the middle a cycle and before , is accompanied by consolidation of mammary glands, sometimes - from nipples. The pain can be: pricking, shooting, sharp with in a back, a neck. At a mammary gland define consolidation of lobular character with a rough - surface, fabrics, morbidity. After at a pain the insignificant, all mammary gland is in regular intervals condensed, . At central define the - single or plural centres; they , are not connected with a skin, with a nipple, are mobile, in a prone position of the patient - are not palpated (a symptom of Keniga negative). Lymph nodes are not increased. On an extent a cycle the consolidation centres do not change. On the shade against which are defined , sometimes - adjournment of salts of calcium is visible. Blackouts quite often - alternate with the sites of an enlightenment caused by presence . At development against a cancer the shade density, its homogeneity become more intensive, shades also amplify and become chaotic.