Wednesday, October 8, 2008

To Diagnostics Helps At Which Delete A Part

To diagnostics helps at which delete a part of the amazed lung. Histologic research specifies the diagnosis. GOOD-QUALITY TUMOURS OF THE LUNG Good-quality tumours of lungs are observed in 10 - 12 times less often malignant. Pathological anatomy: good-quality - tumours of lungs can develop ) bronchial tubes (papillo, adenomas);) fabrics (fibromas, myomas, nevro-gene and vascular tumours); to be - congenital tumours (, ). Most often in clinic observe adenomas of bronchial tubes and hectare-martrohondromy. On localisation good-quality tumours can be central and peripheral. The central tumours start with large bronchial tubes (I, II and III usages), can grow in a gleam of a bronchial tube or ; sometimes mark the mixed character of growth. Clinic and diagnostics: at the central arrangement of a tumour and its growth in a gleam of a large bronchial tube the short wind, productive cough, happen the most frequent symptoms. Disease develops slowly. In process of tumour growth in the beginning appears passing partial a bronchial tube, accompanied - an emphysema or hypoventilation of a part - of a lung.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Treatment: Specific Antitubercular Therapy. Neck Tumours. Distinguish: Tumours,

Treatment: specific antitubercular therapy. Neck tumours. Distinguish: tumours, tumours, tumoral defeats of lymph nodes of a neck (primary and secondary - metastatic). Vneorgannye tumours of a neck are derivatives , a muscular and nervous fabric. Can be good-quality (a fibroma, , ) or malignant. Clinical picture: depends on a kind of a tumour, its localisation, a stage. The majority of tumours of soft fabrics - good-quality, slowly growing, is caused by only cosmetic inconveniences. Malignant tumours proceed mainly from neck bodies. Treatment: at good-quality tumours surgical, at malignant the combined. Defeat of lymph nodes of a neck most often meets - at diseases fabrics (, , - illness of Hodzhkina). - Defeat of lymph nodes of a neck at the majority of patients is only expression of system disease, therefore treatment of such patients is made in specialised oncological or hospitals. A treatment principle - the beam therapy - combined with chemotherapy. Surgical treatment - is limited or removal of a lymph node for - histologic research.

Getting Into Blood, They Become Antigenes And Form

Getting into blood, they become antigenes and form antibodies against cages of a thyroid gland and . The last - . It leads to infringement - of synthesis normal hormones that causes - increase of secretion of a hypophysis and a thyroid gland. In late stages of disease gland function - is lowered, accumulation in it of iodine goes down. Clinic and diagnostics: Hashimoto arises at women aged is more senior 50 years is more often. Disease - develops slowly (1 - 4 years). A unique symptom throughout - long time is the thyroid gland increase. To the touch it dense, but is not soldered to surrounding fabrics and is mobile at Further there is a discomfort, signs Regionarnye lymph nodes - are not increased. The great value in diagnostics has detection in - whey of the patient the Definitive answer receive at . Treatment: conservative, includes appointment and hormones the Dose hormones - select individually, an average daily dose 0,1 - 0,3 the Daily dose 20 - 40 mg during 1 1/2 - 2 with - gradual reduction of a dose.