Thursday, December 11, 2008

Morphological Research From - Mammary Gland Consolidations-, From

Morphological research from - mammary gland consolidations-, from a nipple help to diagnose. The authentic diagnosis at central can - be put only at histologic research of remote sector of a mammary gland. Treatment: at central the sectoral resection with urgent histologic research of a macropreparation is shown-. At treatment should be directed - on regulation of infringements of functions of glands of internal - secretion, treatment of diseases of female genitals, suppression processes in a mammary gland. For removal - of painful sensations appoint with and the jodi-house . For reduction processes in a - mammary gland at aged people till 40 years recommend treatment by iodine microdoses (a water solution of 0,25 % during the period on 10 ml once a day after meal within 1 year). Application of microdoses of iodine is based on stimulation - a hormone by a hypophysis. The ljuteinizirujushchy hormone normalises function with broken a phase and restores normal recurrence of changes in a mammary gland If an occurrence principal cause - is presence follicular , an - estrogen producing a - considerable quantity, treatment renders the - expressed effect.