Thursday, November 27, 2008

First Sign A Crisis - Fast Rise In

First sign a crisis - fast rise in temperature of a body to 40�, accompanied by an accruing - tachycardia. Arterial pressure at first raises, and then psychological frustration decrease, observed. In development of a crisis the leading role is played by insufficiency of function - of a bark of the adrenal glands, caused by operational stress. Crisis treatment should be directed on struggle with nadpochechniko-howl insufficiency, cardiovascular infringements, giper-termiej and oxygen insufficiency. . At it is long an existing craw, especially at , and , owing to its constant pressure upon a trachea there are - degenerate changes in rings and them - Traheomaljatsija. After craw removal at once after tracheas or in the nearest postoperative period there can - be its excess in a site of a softening or rapprochement of walls and gleam narrowing. Comes sharp , which can lead to death of the patient if not to execute urgent ("Inflammatory diseases of a trachea" see). Postoperative - insufficiency of function - of the thyroid gland, caused by its full removal full or nearly so during operation, develops at 9 - 10 % of the operated - patients.