Friday, October 26, 2007

The Similar Picture Can Take Place At A

The similar picture can take place at a so-called diving craw owing to its introduction between a trachea - and the breast handle. Breath frustration can arise and after operation at - walls of a trachea owing to constant pressure of a craw At the craw is as though the external skeleton keeping a gleam of a trachea. Craw removal leads to fall of walls of a trachea; its gleam becomes and there is a threat . In these cases it is necessary tracheas with the subsequent long fixing of walls of a trachea from outside its gleam a tube or external fixing forward and lateral walls to grudinokljuchichno-sostsevidnoj for a muscle. Use also - other methods of operations warning fall of a gleam of a trachea. Ekspiratornyj stenosis of a trachea. Arises owing to easing of a wide webby part of a trachea During an exhalation it in a trachea gleam, it is sharp it narrowing. Breath is broken. The considerable role in disease development is played by a chronic bronchitis, an emphysema of lungs. Patients usually complain of a short wind, asthma attacks, cough, feeling of a foreign matter in a trachea.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Metapneumonic Abscesses Arise At 1,2 - 1,5 %

Metapneumonic abscesses arise at 1,2 - 1,5 % sick of a pneumonia. Their development is favoured by decrease in reactance of the organism, sharply expressed infringements of ventilation and the blood supplies of a lung quite often caused by previous diseases of lungs, insufficiently active treatment of pulmonary process. Gematogenno-Embolichesky way. This way develop 7 - 9 % of abscesses of a lung. Infection hit in lungs occurs owing to carrying over by a current of blood infected from the extrapulmonary centres of an infection at , an osteomyelitis, a purulent thrombophlebitis, etc. Infected cork - lung vessels, - the heart attack of a lung which is exposed to purulent fusion develops. The abscesses having gematogenno-embolicheskoe an origin, are more often localised in the bottom shares; they . The limfogennyj way of development of pulmonary abscesses and a gangrene is observed seldom. Infection drift in lungs is possible at quinsy, , an abscess, etc. Abscesses and gangrenes of a traumatic origin grow out of the closed trauma of a thorax with damage of a pulmonary fabric and getting wounds.