Friday, March 28, 2008

Distinguish Them From Peripheral Very Slow Growth, Accurate

Distinguish them from peripheral very slow growth, accurate contours. However the definitive diagnosis is possible only after - histologic or cytologic research. have accurately roundish form, homogeneous structure, usually come to light at young age. At and the message with a bronchial tube contain air, a liquid with - horizontal level. differentiate from a cancer on the basis of the data of the anamnesis, features of a radiological picture (one or several oval homogeneous shades in a lung with equal - contours, presence "a symptom ", a phenomenon "subkapsuljarno th "), positive reaction of Kazoni or the latex-agglutination test. Sometimes there is a necessity to spend the differential diagnosis between a cancer of a lung and a tumour . and differ a slow current, on roentgenograms - look like the roundish or lobular formations - which are settling down in forward . In tumours sometimes find out a - teeth, fragments of bones, in walls the centres -. settle down in forward , have the oval - form.