Saturday, July 12, 2008

MAMMARY GLAND TUMOURS . Some Researchers Carry To

MAMMARY GLAND TUMOURS . Some researchers carry to Meets more often at the age of 15 - 35 years, at the majority of patients (at 90 %) in the form of single knot. Pathological anatomy: the tumour consists from elements and a connecting fabric. Distinguish peri - and . The sizes of a tumour are various: from microscopic to huge Clinic and diagnostics: happens is more often. Such has the roundish form, accurate contours, it is painless at , does not disappear at a mammary gland in position of the patient lying (symptom KfHHJ'a positive). On the shade of the roundish form with accurate contours is visible. Treatment: removal of a tumour with a fabric - of a mammary gland surrounding it -(a sectoral resection). - a version . The tumour has characteristic layered structure, is well delimited from surrounding fabrics, however no present capsule has, quickly increases in sizes. - and then in bones, easy both other bodies the Clinic and diagnostics sometimes is exposed - to malignant regeneration: at enough big sizes are visible and cyanosis of a skin over a tumour, however last is seldom involved in tumoral process.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Fibrous Cicatricial Imposings Are Condensed, A Lung, Limit

Fibrous cicatricial imposings are condensed, a lung, limit respiratory movements. the pulmonary fabric also is condensed In this period sharp passes in chronic In the rubtsovo-changed pleura in a late stage of illness there is an adjournment of salts. Is purulent-destructive process in a pleura (it is timely not ) causes development in an organism of some heavy changes from outside hearts, a liver, kidneys, characteristic for a - long purulent intoxication. At destruction a cover bacterial - enzymes pus can fall outside the limits a pleural cavity, forming abscesses between thorax muscles, under a skin or is opened outside (empyema necessitatis). - Spontaneous break of a purulent congestion in a pericardium cavity, a gullet, through a diaphragm is possible also-. : development pleurae is accompanied by infringement of function of cardiovascular system, breath, a liver-, kidneys and bodies. These infringements can - sharply develop or gradually. Especially heavy infringements - arise at break in a pleural cavity of an abscess of the lung having the wide message with by ways.