Friday, December 19, 2008

Thereof LATS Causes The Same Excitation Of A

Thereof LATS causes the same excitation of a thyroid gland, as well as tireo-tropin as contacts the same receptors, as - last. Increase of accumulation of Tz and 4 in an organism breaks - processes oxidising in fabrics that is shown - by frustration of all kinds of an exchange, function of the central nervous - system, heart and other bodies. women at the age from 20 is more often are ill. Till 50 years. The parity of number of sick women and men makes - 10:1. The big frequency of disease at women speaks more frequent at them infringements of normal mutual relation of functions of sexual glands and gipotalamo-gipofizarnoj systems that is accompanied by the strengthened synthesis of hormones of a thyroid gland. Clinic and diagnostics: displays, characteristic for , can be at three pathological processes-: toxic a craw, toxic central <a craw - which can be multinodal or be characterised - by growth follicular in the form of single knot (- so-called an adenoma). The multinodal toxic craw usually grows out of transformation ("bazedovifi-katsii") is long existing multinodal a craw.

Spontaneous . Under Spontaneous Understand Air Congestion In

Spontaneous . Under spontaneous understand air congestion in the pleural cavity, arising without dependence from what or the making factor. Aetiology: usually spontaneous happens owing to rupture subpleural or thin-walled - , observed in the absence of other changes in a lung. Occasionally development spontaneous is caused by break in a pleura of tubercular cavities, destruction of a wall of a bronchial tube by a breaking up tumour and other reasons. Rupture or can occur during a fit of coughing at smokers owing to increase thus intrapulmonary pressure. Spontaneous can develop at any age. Describe cases of its development in newborns at carrying out by it the actions connected with sharp increase of intrapulmonary pressure. With especially serious consequences development at persons of advanced age in the presence of - accompanying diseases threatens-: warm insufficiency, a widespread - emphysema of lungs, a pneumosclerosis. At rupture of a pulmonary fabric or containing vessels solderings there is a - hemorrhage in a pleural cavity, develops .

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Treatment: Finding-out Of The Reasons And Their Elimination.

Treatment: finding-out of the reasons and their elimination. . At considerable allocation of milk and - its congestion - in dairy courses there is an expansion of lacteal - channels. Appear formations of various size. At pressing the secret is allocated for formation from a nipple; at corking a channel pressing on formation is not accompanied by allocation of a secret from a nipple. have the roundish or oval form, accurate contours, a consistence. Treatment: the surgical. DISGORMONALNAJA OF THE MAMMARY GLAND changes of mammary glands with prevalence of a painful syndrome, with presence of a neurosis and functional to change- . Disease is more often observed at not giving birth or - women, especially at women with labile nervous system and with diseases of genitals. In the period in one or both mammary glands appears a swelling-, pressure, an intensive pain with in , , areas, a shoulder. At consolidation, sharp morbidity After the termination pains, pressure of mammary glands decrease, and sometimes disappear.