Friday, December 19, 2008

Thereof LATS Causes The Same Excitation Of A

Thereof LATS causes the same excitation of a thyroid gland, as well as tireo-tropin as contacts the same receptors, as - last. Increase of accumulation of Tz and 4 in an organism breaks - processes oxidising in fabrics that is shown - by frustration of all kinds of an exchange, function of the central nervous - system, heart and other bodies. women at the age from 20 is more often are ill. Till 50 years. The parity of number of sick women and men makes - 10:1. The big frequency of disease at women speaks more frequent at them infringements of normal mutual relation of functions of sexual glands and gipotalamo-gipofizarnoj systems that is accompanied by the strengthened synthesis of hormones of a thyroid gland. Clinic and diagnostics: displays, characteristic for , can be at three pathological processes-: toxic a craw, toxic central <a craw - which can be multinodal or be characterised - by growth follicular in the form of single knot (- so-called an adenoma). The multinodal toxic craw usually grows out of transformation ("bazedovifi-katsii") is long existing multinodal a craw.

1 comment:

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