Wednesday, April 29, 2009

A Complex - Of The Formations Located Between

A complex - of the formations located between pleural bags from sides, a breast in front, a backbone behind and a diaphragm part from below, name -. Trachea and bronchial tubes. At level of VI VII cervical vertebras the throat passes in a trachea. The trachea - a piece of a respiratory tube from a throat to the main bronchial tubes the Throat, except , provides the prevention in a - trachea of alien particles, plays large role in the cough mechanism. The trachea - fibro-muskuljarnaja a tube of average 10 - 12 sm and 13 - 22 mm its Gleam remains width thanks to presence in a wall 15 - 20 the cartilages occupying 2/3,4/5 its circles both forming forward and lateral departments the Back department is called as a webby part. Between cartilages are located sheaves Outside a trachea it is covered by a case, from within - fur-trees a cover which is settling down on friable a layer In last are follicles and tubular glands, I produce a belkovo-mucous secret. The podslizistyj layer without sharp border passes in dense cartilages.

Clinic And Diagnostics: Not Complicated Proceed Is More

Clinic and diagnostics: not complicated proceed is more often. Only huge usually cause - chest pains, cough, sometimes a short wind, occasionally . The clinical semiology appears at following - complications: 1) at rupture when develops spontaneous ; 2) in cases when passableness - opening in a cavity a bronchial tube is broken-. Quite often thus arises - the mechanism owing to which air arrives in , but back completely does not leave. quickly increases - in sizes, the lung fabric is squeezed, come displacement - and the frustration of breath connected with it and - warm activity; 3) at . (or ) sharply changes disease semiology. At the patient the body temperature raises, the - general condition worsens-, there is a cough with mucous or mucopurulent , is quite often observed . Sometimes patients mark chest pains. The data received at research of patients, depends on the sizes , character of its contents, complications-. The most valuable information, helping to diagnose-, gives radiological research.