Sunday, May 3, 2009

Treatment: Results Of Conservative Treatment Of Chronic Abscesses

Treatment: results of conservative treatment of chronic abscesses of lungs are not very comforting Application of antibiotics, improvement of conditions promote the - process aggravations-, however remaining morphological changes - stir to treatment In this connection in the absence of the contra-indications caused by accompanying diseases or old age of patients, calling into question possibility processes, at chronic abscesses of lungs operation is shown. The absolute indication to operation are repeated pulmonary - bleedings, the intoxication At chronic abscesses is effective only radical operation - - removal of a share of a lung or all lung. - it is not justified, as a dense capsule of a chronic - abscess, changes of a pulmonary fabric in its circle - will interfere with cavity liquidation. Preparation for operation should be spent under the same scheme on which treatment of patients with sharp abscesses of lungs Before operation is spent it is necessary to remove the sharp inflammatory phenomena, to achieve quantity reduction , to eliminate on r\shenija an albuminous exchange, hydroionic frustration, to improve warm activity, to raise functionality of system of breath of Operation spend under a narcosis For and pus from an abscess in bronchial tubes departments application special tubes of Karlensa, Mejdzhila, Gordon, Green is necessary.

In The Absence Of - Complications At Find

In the absence of - complications at find out the roundish form a thin-walled cavity with the big or smaller quantity - of contents. At presence against not changed pulmonary fabric there are sites, on the structure reminding "beer - honeycombs". The surrounding pulmonary fabric, as a rule, has no and fibrous change, and the pleural cavity is free from pleural unions. The greatest difficulty - is represented by the diagnosis if it is filled by contents. For - specification of character of a spherical shade in a lung, revealed in this case, additional methods of research can be demanded. At and it is possible to find out that - not changed bronchial and vascular branches bend around roundish formation in a lung. The definitive diagnosis quite often put only - at . At plural the definitive diagnosis can be put at . - freely fills plural cavities while the - bronchial tree and a pulmonary fabric in the neighbourhood with cavities - appear not changed. The joined infection alters a radiological picture.