Friday, January 5, 2007

The Analysis Of Pictures Allows To Judge The

The analysis of pictures allows to judge the form, outlines, defects of filling of channels. . The method is based on registration of infra-red radiation by means of the special device - of a thermograph . apply to differential - diagnostics at palpated formations. Skin temperature over a malignant tumour on 1,5 - 2� above in comparison with - skin temperature over good-quality formation and a symmetric site of a skin of a healthy mammary gland. - in the conditions of hyperbaric oxygenation raises - method possibilities. Ultrasonic . The method gives the chance to spend the - differential diagnosis between a cancer and good-quality - processes of a mammary gland as in malignant tumours contains more than the dense structures reflecting - sound waves, than in the good-quality. With the advent of perfect devices the method finds the increasing application. Morphological research is the basic method of diagnostics of character of new growths of a mammary gland. - Apply cytologic research tumours or - from a nipple.

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

At Tertiary , - Connected With Defeat And

At tertiary , - connected with defeat and production infringement TRH, level raises under the influence of TRH. a thyroid gland it is obligatory at all patients not only at suspicion on a thyroid gland cancer, but also at - any central craw. It should be made before operation by a way punctures of gland or as the result - will define volume of operative intervention and the - further treatment. it is spent at each patient with a craw even in the absence of voice changes. The latent paralysis of vocal chords caused by involving in - pathological process of returnable nerves can be revealed-. ENDEMICHESKY AND SPORADIC CRAW Endemichesky craw - the disease amazing the population in - geographical areas, which biosphere it is poor iodine. Insufficient - receipt of iodine in an organism leads - to development fall - hormones, that the clod-pensatornoj a thyroid gland is inevitably accompanied and conducts to - craw formation-. Such in the beginning compensates for the deficiency hormones. At expressed almost equal disease of men and women is characteristic.

Monday, January 1, 2007

Clinic And Diagnostics: At Break Or In The

Clinic and diagnostics: at break or in the part of a pleural cavity limited to solderings patients do not mark any infringements if the quantity of air, in a pleural cavity, does not exceed 5 - 15 % of its volume. At more significant amount of air there is a lung collapse, gas exchange is broken and develops that promoted by following factors. 1. The collapse (, fall) a lung leads - to breath frustration - as at it the volume of so-called dead respiratory space sharply increases 2. At a lung collapse open nonfunctioning shunts through which there is a dump of blood from 1 arteries in veins, passing a capillary channel where it - is enriched by oxygen. At presence the mechanism formed of - the broken off wall or , air through rupture at each breath buys in a pleural cavity, but back it does not leave. Pressure in a pleural cavity accrues. Develops strained , characterised by sharp infringements - of breath, displacement , reduction of venous return of blood in heart. If not to take the urgent measures, sick thus quickly perishes.

Sometimes Because Of A Throat Hypostasis There Is

Sometimes because of a throat hypostasis there is an asthma. Ludwig's quite often quinsy becomes complicated development . Treatment: surgical - deep cuts from outside oral cavities and wide external cuts in submaxillary area and on a neck. The prescription of antibiotics of a wide spectrum of action is necessary. Tubercular happens at people of young age is more often. At early stages of disease the lymph nodes involved in process dense, mobile, painless, are not soldered - among themselves and to surrounding fabrics, defined in the form of beads. Submaxillary lymph nodes and the lymph nodes which are settling down on a course of veins is more often are surprised. Quite often defeat happens bilateral. At disease progressing the phenomena join - - lymph nodes become painful, their mobility is limited, contours indistinct. There are abscesses and fistulas with allocation of tvorozhisto-purulent contents. Diagnostics: is based on revealing of the centres of a tuberculosis - in lungs, on the data of cytologic research from a lymph node or separated of a fistula.