Tuesday, January 2, 2007

At Tertiary , - Connected With Defeat And

At tertiary , - connected with defeat and production infringement TRH, level raises under the influence of TRH. a thyroid gland it is obligatory at all patients not only at suspicion on a thyroid gland cancer, but also at - any central craw. It should be made before operation by a way punctures of gland or as the result - will define volume of operative intervention and the - further treatment. it is spent at each patient with a craw even in the absence of voice changes. The latent paralysis of vocal chords caused by involving in - pathological process of returnable nerves can be revealed-. ENDEMICHESKY AND SPORADIC CRAW Endemichesky craw - the disease amazing the population in - geographical areas, which biosphere it is poor iodine. Insufficient - receipt of iodine in an organism leads - to development fall - hormones, that the clod-pensatornoj a thyroid gland is inevitably accompanied and conducts to - craw formation-. Such in the beginning compensates for the deficiency hormones. At expressed almost equal disease of men and women is characteristic.

1 comment:

Infection Yeast Herpes said...

Yeast Infection : In parallel with damaging factors join adaptable and the mechanisms providing and leaders to overcoming of an infection. Depending on intensity pathogenetic and mechanisms dysenteric process can proceed in the subclinical erased and clinically expressed forms.