Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Radiological Research Reveals In The Beginning Extensive Blackout

Radiological research reveals in the beginning extensive blackout in a lung; on a measure abscesses from contents against blackout cavities with liquid levels become visible. Recover of the patient, as a rule, does not come. progresses. Legochno-warm insufficiency, stagnation in a small circle of blood circulation, dystrophic changes bodies develop. All it quickly leads to death. Gangrene - the heaviest form of purulent defeat of a lung. the products of putrefactive disintegration formed at a gangrene of a lung, and bacterial toxins leads to an intoxication of the patient. At a lung gangrene early to separate the considerable quantity fetid foamy , looking like "meat slops" owing to an impurity of blood from pulmonary vessels. The - pleura that leads to development putrefactive or , as a rule, is involved in process-. At research of the patient the expressed short wind, an anaemia, , a considerable zone of shortening a sound over the amazed lung attract attention; at the set of damp rattles of various calibre is audible.