Monday, December 24, 2007

Breath Infringements Are More Expressed At A Stenosis

Breath infringements are more expressed at a stenosis of a large bronchial tube. Infection joining, development cause a clinical picture, characteristic for illnesses (see more low) . Anomalies of blood supply of a share or a segment of the lung, not having a bronchial tube, name the sequester "Sekvestrirovannyj" lung department the abnormal - artery departing from an aorta Distinguish intrashare at which the site of the lung which has been not connected with a bronchial tree, is in thickness of a share, and extrapulmonary at which this site from the basic part of a lung and is connected to it only fibrous crosspiece. it is usually observed in departments of the bottom shares of a lung, more often at the left. Clinically it is shown at development of complications, mainly inflammations. In - lung department appear , filled with contents. They are well visible at radiological research-. At mark absence of filling - with contrast substance of bronchial tubes of corresponding department of a lung.