Saturday, April 28, 2007

Chest Pains Happen Seldom, More Often Patients Mark

Chest pains happen seldom, more often patients mark feeling in a breast. In late stages of development of a tumour there are symptoms, characteristic at development of tumours of other localisations: weakness, appetite decrease, a weight loss. The basic methods of diagnostics are a trachea tomography, especially in a lateral projection, and at which define character of growth of a tumour, make and take a print for cytologic issledova-nija. For detection tumour parts use a gullet a baric suspension. At this method of research extent the dissociation corresponding - to size of a tumour Distribution of a tumour for limits of a trachea comes to light - is well defined at a computer tomography. Treatment: interventions are shown in the presence of - good-quality tumours on a thin leg and also when open operation for whatever reasons - is counter-indicative. At the majority of good-quality tumours - of a trachea open operation new growths is shown. At malignant tumours I - III stages radical operation is the resection of a trachea within healthy fabrics with removal surrounding it and lymph nodes At the inoperable tumours breaking breath, make tumours At a low arrangement of a tumour through it spend extended a tube.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Distribution Of A Phlegmon Of A Neck In

Distribution of a phlegmon of a neck in forward and back quite often leads to a deadly outcome. To warn - distribution of phlegmons of a neck it is possible only by timely opening - and creation of conditions for pus outflow. necks develop in back department of a neck is more often. Is purulent-Nekrotichesky process extends on hypodermic , sometimes grasps and muscles. Treatment: in the early period antibiotics. At heavy - forms it is necessary wide fabrics, subsequently a skin plasticity. Often necks develops at sick of a diabetes-, therefore at them it is necessary to investigate urine on sugar. In the presence of a diabetes spend corresponding - therapy. Ludwig's quinsy - an oral cavity phlegmon. Disease usually arises as complication at a purulent osteomyelitis of the bottom jaw, inflammatory processes. Clinic: quickly progressing, sharp inflammatory process extends on language, a throat, cervical . Last also accepts almost black colour. The - difficulty of swallowing, a fetid smell from a mouth are observed , .

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

At Objective Research Position Of The Patient Pays

At objective research position of the patient pays attention. In the first days of disease prior to the beginning of medical punctures of a pleura if is available total , patients because of sharp pains cannot lie and accept a semisitting position. Quite often thus it is possible to notice that the patient rests hands about bed on purpose to fix a humeral belt and by that - to include in the breath certificate auxiliary muscles. At delimited the painful syndrome is expressed more poorly, patients do not accept the compelled position and is more often lie on the amazed half of thorax that sharply limits its respiratory excursions, and together with it reduces pains. Despite an oxygen summer residence, the majority of patients has a short wind in rest, lips and brushes of the hands, testifying to oxygen starvation and . Sometimes the patient is pale, covered sticky then that also is a sign . Pulse is speeded usually up to 110 - 120 in a minute. The temperature, as a rule, high and sometimes, especially at putrefactive infections-, has character.

Monday, April 23, 2007

The Forecast: The Remote Results Of Treatment Of

The forecast: the remote results of treatment of a cancer of a mammary gland depend not so much on a treatment method, how many from a disease stage. The best results are received at treatment - of not palpated cancer of a mammary gland, a tumour in diameter no more than 5 mm with a structure or a cancer as noninvasive (a cancer in situ), and a cancer with initial signs -. The five years' survival rate after the operation executed at a cancer of a mammary gland I and the Pas of stages, makes accordingly 93 and 84 %, while at tumours of Pb of a stage 60 - 65 %, and at tumours of III stage only 35 - 40 %. The cancer of a mammary gland at men arises more often in advanced age, against , to the International system of units (SI) the absorbed dose of radiation often develops, the - indicator of the absorbed dose is expressed in , 0,01 Gr = 1 is glad frequency of initially-plural tumoral growth, high hormonal dependence. The small sizes of a mammary gland, absence plentiful create conditions for - fast distribution of a tumour on surrounding fabrics.