Friday, December 7, 2007
At Radiological Research - Increase Of A Transparency
At radiological research - increase of a transparency and pauperisation of pulmonary drawing in the field of an emphysema is visible. Treatment - delete the changed department of a lung At development of "a pressure syndrome", sharp frustration of breath and a haemodyne removal make urgently. If disease accepts a chronic current, at the account of possibility of normalisation of elements - of a wall of a bronchial tube in the course of growth and development of the child with operation it is not necessary to hasten and apply it only at the phenomena of respiratory insufficiency DEVELOPMENTAL ANOMALIES of VESSELS of LUNGS and vessels of easy Nedorazvitie of vessels of a lung it is usually combined with or absence of a share or all lung, an emphysema, a pneumosclerosis, . At development of inflammatory process in the changed lung the condition of the patient worsens. Treatment: at satisfactory function of the second lung removal of its changed department is shown. Arteriovenoznye aneurysms and fistulas.
Monday, December 3, 2007
- Omission Of Mammary Glands. Loss Of Elasticity
- omission of mammary glands. Loss of elasticity - of fabrics promotes with the years progressing of disease at - corpulent women, and also at a sharp weight loss There is a pain owing to blood circulation infringement, , a hypostasis, - skin pleated under a mammary gland. Treatment: at moderately expressed recommend carrying of the free bodices made under individual orders to Young women it is possible to recommend plastic operations with the cosmetic purpose. MAMMARY GLAND DAMAGES Cracks of nipples arise after the delivery and in the first months of a lactation. Aetiology: features of a structure of nipples (involved, - underdeveloped), easy vulnerability of a skin of a nipple at feeding - of the child, insufficient hygienic care of dummies during Crack feeding can be single and plural, superficial and deep. At deep cracks bleedings are possible. Treatment: it is directed on acceleration of healing of cracks - 1) before feeding carefully process dummies - disinfectant solutions (40 50 % spirit, a solution 1-5000), 2) after feeding put bandages (with lanolin, vaseline, the ointments containing , 5 % ointment), before feeding delete ointment, 3) physiotherapeutic procedures (an ultra-violet irradiation of area of nipples) Preventive maintenance: it is spent before sorts (regular - massage of nipples and a mammary gland, mammary glands - by serially warm and cold water, wiping by a rough towel).
The Tachycardia Reaches 120 In A Minute And
The tachycardia reaches 120 in a minute and more, is quite often accompanied vibrating -, warm insufficiency II - III degrees on Lang. The basic - exchange of +60 % and more, weight of a body sharply decreases. - Work capacity is lost. Treatment: there are three principal views of treatment - - medicamentous therapy, treatment _131, surgical intervention. Medicamentous therapy is directed on regulation of functions of the central nervous system, , vegetative nervous - system. Apply and sedative means (, , etc.), on 0,1 - 0,25 mg 3 times a day. At the expressed tachycardia appoint beta-blokatory.kotorye reduce hyperfunction of a myocardium at the expense of decrease in arterial pressure, minute emission of blood, slow down a rhythm knot. For decrease in hormonal function of a thyroid gland - application of preparations of iodine in a combination with tireostati-cheskimi preparations is necessary. Which appoint in doses to 40 - 60 mg/sut; at remission approach establish - supporting dose of a preparation 5 - 10 mg/days By preoperative - preparation or during the moment a crisis at over-pochechnikovoj insufficiency use which - block peripheral action and detain him .
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