Saturday, December 1, 2007

- Symmetric Mammary Glands - Happens At Diseases

- symmetric mammary glands - happens at diseases of children's age. Treatment: consists in correction infringements. At adult women it is necessary to recommend plastic operations - with the cosmetic purpose. - the increase in mammary glands - happens is especially expressed at children's age, in the period and during pregnancy. In the reproductive period it is observed - in less expressed form. at girls about 10 years are elderly is caused by disease the systems, - causing premature puberty. At boys it is possible to observe at gormonalno-active tumours of sexual glands. , arisen in pu-bertatnom the period and during pregnancy, quickly progresses. The mammary gland can reach the enormous sizes. At , a life - of the woman coming in the active reproductive period - out of pregnancy, growth of a mammary gland has no such impetuous character, as in the period and during pregnancy. can be true (increase - in a ferruterous fabric) and false (excessive development of a fatty fabric) Treatment: at children it is directed on treatment - diseases If has arisen out of pregnancy at adult - women, spend a resection of a mammary gland and plastic operations.

At Radiological Research After An Abscess Define A

At radiological research after an abscess define a cavity, sometimes with liquid level. In the beginning it has indistinct contours owing to inflammations. On a measure - an abscess and - inflammatory process - in a circle of border of an abscess become more accurate. If there is a - corking of the aperture conducting in a bronchial tube, the body temperature raises again. At a - good drainage the condition gradually improves and - there comes recover. More hard plural abscesses - of a lung proceed-. 0 they happen metapneumonic and - arise against - inflammatory - extensive sites pulmonary . Break of one of the formed abscesses in a bronchial tree - does not lead to essential reduction of an intoxication and improvement of a condition - of the patient as in a pulmonary fabric there are centres and purulent fusion. Makes heavier a condition developing are purulent a bronchitis with plentiful branch fetid . Fizikalnoe research defines backlog at thorax breath on the defeat party, dullness at according to one, or two shares of a lung; - set of rattles of different calibre.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

At In The Field Of Diligence - A

At in the field of diligence - a bubble mark . The auskultativnye data is very various: rattles - at an inflammation; - bronchial, sometimes breath - in the presence of a cavity with air. , located at a lung root, and also the small sizes do not give the specified changes. Radiological research allows to find out in a - lung one or the several roundish or the oval form of homogeneous - shades with equal contours. However diagnostics - is complicated because the shade not always has equal contours. Quite often they change owing to inflammations; adjacent bronchial tubes causes a pulmonary fabric - that complicates treatment of revealed changes. At �destruction of a parasite and partial liquids between a chitinous cover and a fibrous capsule the free - space which at comes to light in the form of air sickle ("a symptom ") is formed-. At this - space is filled with contrast substance (a phenomenon ). At break in a bronchial tube the radiological picture is similar observed at a lung abscess - the - cavity with equal internal walls and liquid level comes to light-.

Monday, November 26, 2007

The Skin Over Is Not Changed, Mobile. Has

The skin over is not changed, mobile. has a smooth surface, a consistence; It is possible to define dense , going from to a hypoglossal bone. Its sizes can periodically change, if the message with an oral cavity through shchitovidno-jazychnyj a channel is kept. At an inflammation there is a pain at swallowing, arises - painful without a clear boundary in area . At a suppuration - there is a destruction of its cover, fusion of soft fabrics over it, the fistula is formed. Sometimes last - is formed in connection with the surgical intervention made at formation of an abscess. Lateral and neck fistulas. An aetiology: it is not specified, consider that they are formed owing to anomaly of development of a zobno-pharyngeal channel, branchiate arches, cracks and pharyngeal pockets. Clinic and diagnostics: it is localised in the top - department of a neck ahead grudinokljuchichno-sostsevidnoj muscles, at level the general carotid, more often at the left; - represents the roundish formation accurately delimited from surrounding - fabrics.