Saturday, December 1, 2007

- Symmetric Mammary Glands - Happens At Diseases

- symmetric mammary glands - happens at diseases of children's age. Treatment: consists in correction infringements. At adult women it is necessary to recommend plastic operations - with the cosmetic purpose. - the increase in mammary glands - happens is especially expressed at children's age, in the period and during pregnancy. In the reproductive period it is observed - in less expressed form. at girls about 10 years are elderly is caused by disease the systems, - causing premature puberty. At boys it is possible to observe at gormonalno-active tumours of sexual glands. , arisen in pu-bertatnom the period and during pregnancy, quickly progresses. The mammary gland can reach the enormous sizes. At , a life - of the woman coming in the active reproductive period - out of pregnancy, growth of a mammary gland has no such impetuous character, as in the period and during pregnancy. can be true (increase - in a ferruterous fabric) and false (excessive development of a fatty fabric) Treatment: at children it is directed on treatment - diseases If has arisen out of pregnancy at adult - women, spend a resection of a mammary gland and plastic operations.

1 comment:

Infection Yeast Herpes said...

Yeast Infection : At and typical forms of disease a number of characteristic attributes of a belly typhus can be absent. To atypical concern and the erased forms of illness.