Monday, December 24, 2007

Breath Infringements Are More Expressed At A Stenosis

Breath infringements are more expressed at a stenosis of a large bronchial tube. Infection joining, development cause a clinical picture, characteristic for illnesses (see more low) . Anomalies of blood supply of a share or a segment of the lung, not having a bronchial tube, name the sequester "Sekvestrirovannyj" lung department the abnormal - artery departing from an aorta Distinguish intrashare at which the site of the lung which has been not connected with a bronchial tree, is in thickness of a share, and extrapulmonary at which this site from the basic part of a lung and is connected to it only fibrous crosspiece. it is usually observed in departments of the bottom shares of a lung, more often at the left. Clinically it is shown at development of complications, mainly inflammations. In - lung department appear , filled with contents. They are well visible at radiological research-. At mark absence of filling - with contrast substance of bronchial tubes of corresponding department of a lung.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Ventilation Of Premises In Mines, Shops Of Factories

ventilation of premises in mines, shops of factories and the - factories making asbestos, varnishes, substance, etc. Workers of these enterprises not less often than 1 time in 6 should - be exposed to careful medical examination and photoroentgenography for revealing of early displays of a cancer of a lung. Sanitary-educational work should promote reduction of number of smokers. Pathological anatomy: the lung cancer develops - from bronchial tubes and bronchial e. Allocate three basic histologic kinds: 1) a cancer (with , without , not differentiated-); 2) a ferruterous cancer of various degree of differentiation; 3) not differentiated cancer (, or ). Quite often histologic structure in different sites - of a tumour is various. In these cases speak about (having two kinds cages) and (cages having three kind) tumours. From integumentary bronchial tubes develops a cancer, from bronchial glands - - ferruterous. In early stages a lung cancer find out in the form of a plaque or on a bronchial tube mucous membrane.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Despite Variety Of Clinical Displays Of A Cancer

Despite variety of clinical displays of a cancer - of a lung, it is possible to allocate some the most typical variants of its current. The central cancer. ( and ) tumours in an initial phase of the development do not give typical - clinical displays. The beginning of cough patients, especially - smokers, carry the account of an aggravation of a bronchitis. Sometimes patients complain of some difficulty of the exhalation, "whistling" breath. At radiological research during this period it is possible - to note occurrence (caused by difficulty - of an exhalation) emphysemas of a site of the pulmonary fabric ventilated through the amazed bronchial tube, and also symptom presence Goltsk-nehta - Yakobson (displacement towards the amazed lung at a fast deep breath). Further cough - it becomes frequent hoarse, in there are blood proveins. The local emphysema is replaced by occurrence of a zone of hypoveins-tiljatsii of a corresponding part of a lung. In this period more often after overcooling develops cancer -.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Outflow Of Blood From Vessels Of Large Bronchial

Outflow of blood from vessels of large bronchial tubes occurs on the bronchial veins running into unpaired and semiunpaired veins, and from capillaries of small bronchial tubes directly - in a branch of pulmonary veins Between branches of small pulmonary arteries and veins are available shunts which in norm do not function and open only in the presence of a number of pathological conditions. As from pulmonary vessels in - bronchial, and on the contrary, from bronchial arteries in pulmonary vessels, blood dump Lymphatic system of a lung is possible is well developed and consists from: 1) initial networks of lymphatic capillaries, 2) textures, 3) taking away vessels which join lymphatic channels. Allocate four groups lymph nodes: 1) intrapulmonary, located in lungs and in places of division of bronchial tubes-, 2) , lying in area of gate and a lung root, in yax divisions of the main thing and share bronchial tubes, 3) , located in a place tracheas, 4) , located along a trachea. The lymph current goes from periphery to a root of a lung and to a confluence of a lymphatic - channel passes at least through one of a lymph knots.

Friday, December 7, 2007

At Radiological Research - Increase Of A Transparency

At radiological research - increase of a transparency and pauperisation of pulmonary drawing in the field of an emphysema is visible. Treatment - delete the changed department of a lung At development of "a pressure syndrome", sharp frustration of breath and a haemodyne removal make urgently. If disease accepts a chronic current, at the account of possibility of normalisation of elements - of a wall of a bronchial tube in the course of growth and development of the child with operation it is not necessary to hasten and apply it only at the phenomena of respiratory insufficiency DEVELOPMENTAL ANOMALIES of VESSELS of LUNGS and vessels of easy Nedorazvitie of vessels of a lung it is usually combined with or absence of a share or all lung, an emphysema, a pneumosclerosis, . At development of inflammatory process in the changed lung the condition of the patient worsens. Treatment: at satisfactory function of the second lung removal of its changed department is shown. Arteriovenoznye aneurysms and fistulas.

Monday, December 3, 2007

- Omission Of Mammary Glands. Loss Of Elasticity

- omission of mammary glands. Loss of elasticity - of fabrics promotes with the years progressing of disease at - corpulent women, and also at a sharp weight loss There is a pain owing to blood circulation infringement, , a hypostasis, - skin pleated under a mammary gland. Treatment: at moderately expressed recommend carrying of the free bodices made under individual orders to Young women it is possible to recommend plastic operations with the cosmetic purpose. MAMMARY GLAND DAMAGES Cracks of nipples arise after the delivery and in the first months of a lactation. Aetiology: features of a structure of nipples (involved, - underdeveloped), easy vulnerability of a skin of a nipple at feeding - of the child, insufficient hygienic care of dummies during Crack feeding can be single and plural, superficial and deep. At deep cracks bleedings are possible. Treatment: it is directed on acceleration of healing of cracks - 1) before feeding carefully process dummies - disinfectant solutions (40 50 % spirit, a solution 1-5000), 2) after feeding put bandages (with lanolin, vaseline, the ointments containing , 5 % ointment), before feeding delete ointment, 3) physiotherapeutic procedures (an ultra-violet irradiation of area of nipples) Preventive maintenance: it is spent before sorts (regular - massage of nipples and a mammary gland, mammary glands - by serially warm and cold water, wiping by a rough towel).

The Tachycardia Reaches 120 In A Minute And

The tachycardia reaches 120 in a minute and more, is quite often accompanied vibrating -, warm insufficiency II - III degrees on Lang. The basic - exchange of +60 % and more, weight of a body sharply decreases. - Work capacity is lost. Treatment: there are three principal views of treatment - - medicamentous therapy, treatment _131, surgical intervention. Medicamentous therapy is directed on regulation of functions of the central nervous system, , vegetative nervous - system. Apply and sedative means (, , etc.), on 0,1 - 0,25 mg 3 times a day. At the expressed tachycardia appoint beta-blokatory.kotorye reduce hyperfunction of a myocardium at the expense of decrease in arterial pressure, minute emission of blood, slow down a rhythm knot. For decrease in hormonal function of a thyroid gland - application of preparations of iodine in a combination with tireostati-cheskimi preparations is necessary. Which appoint in doses to 40 - 60 mg/sut; at remission approach establish - supporting dose of a preparation 5 - 10 mg/days By preoperative - preparation or during the moment a crisis at over-pochechnikovoj insufficiency use which - block peripheral action and detain him .

Saturday, December 1, 2007

- Symmetric Mammary Glands - Happens At Diseases

- symmetric mammary glands - happens at diseases of children's age. Treatment: consists in correction infringements. At adult women it is necessary to recommend plastic operations - with the cosmetic purpose. - the increase in mammary glands - happens is especially expressed at children's age, in the period and during pregnancy. In the reproductive period it is observed - in less expressed form. at girls about 10 years are elderly is caused by disease the systems, - causing premature puberty. At boys it is possible to observe at gormonalno-active tumours of sexual glands. , arisen in pu-bertatnom the period and during pregnancy, quickly progresses. The mammary gland can reach the enormous sizes. At , a life - of the woman coming in the active reproductive period - out of pregnancy, growth of a mammary gland has no such impetuous character, as in the period and during pregnancy. can be true (increase - in a ferruterous fabric) and false (excessive development of a fatty fabric) Treatment: at children it is directed on treatment - diseases If has arisen out of pregnancy at adult - women, spend a resection of a mammary gland and plastic operations.

At Radiological Research After An Abscess Define A

At radiological research after an abscess define a cavity, sometimes with liquid level. In the beginning it has indistinct contours owing to inflammations. On a measure - an abscess and - inflammatory process - in a circle of border of an abscess become more accurate. If there is a - corking of the aperture conducting in a bronchial tube, the body temperature raises again. At a - good drainage the condition gradually improves and - there comes recover. More hard plural abscesses - of a lung proceed-. 0 they happen metapneumonic and - arise against - inflammatory - extensive sites pulmonary . Break of one of the formed abscesses in a bronchial tree - does not lead to essential reduction of an intoxication and improvement of a condition - of the patient as in a pulmonary fabric there are centres and purulent fusion. Makes heavier a condition developing are purulent a bronchitis with plentiful branch fetid . Fizikalnoe research defines backlog at thorax breath on the defeat party, dullness at according to one, or two shares of a lung; - set of rattles of different calibre.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

At In The Field Of Diligence - A

At in the field of diligence - a bubble mark . The auskultativnye data is very various: rattles - at an inflammation; - bronchial, sometimes breath - in the presence of a cavity with air. , located at a lung root, and also the small sizes do not give the specified changes. Radiological research allows to find out in a - lung one or the several roundish or the oval form of homogeneous - shades with equal contours. However diagnostics - is complicated because the shade not always has equal contours. Quite often they change owing to inflammations; adjacent bronchial tubes causes a pulmonary fabric - that complicates treatment of revealed changes. At �destruction of a parasite and partial liquids between a chitinous cover and a fibrous capsule the free - space which at comes to light in the form of air sickle ("a symptom ") is formed-. At this - space is filled with contrast substance (a phenomenon ). At break in a bronchial tube the radiological picture is similar observed at a lung abscess - the - cavity with equal internal walls and liquid level comes to light-.

Monday, November 26, 2007

The Skin Over Is Not Changed, Mobile. Has

The skin over is not changed, mobile. has a smooth surface, a consistence; It is possible to define dense , going from to a hypoglossal bone. Its sizes can periodically change, if the message with an oral cavity through shchitovidno-jazychnyj a channel is kept. At an inflammation there is a pain at swallowing, arises - painful without a clear boundary in area . At a suppuration - there is a destruction of its cover, fusion of soft fabrics over it, the fistula is formed. Sometimes last - is formed in connection with the surgical intervention made at formation of an abscess. Lateral and neck fistulas. An aetiology: it is not specified, consider that they are formed owing to anomaly of development of a zobno-pharyngeal channel, branchiate arches, cracks and pharyngeal pockets. Clinic and diagnostics: it is localised in the top - department of a neck ahead grudinokljuchichno-sostsevidnoj muscles, at level the general carotid, more often at the left; - represents the roundish formation accurately delimited from surrounding - fabrics.

Friday, November 23, 2007

In A Prone Position, And Also At The

In a prone position, and also at the physical activity raising intrabelly pressure, these phenomena decrease. The diagnosis: to a diagnosis establishment helps at which during a breath it is possible to note a webby part of a trachea in a direction. Treatment: the radical surgical. Operation consists in strengthening of a webby part of a trachea by a bone transplant. FISTULAS Fistulas between a trachea and a gullet can be congenital and got. Congenital fistulas grow out of incomplete closing a course from a primary gut in a respiratory tube, are formed in process of the general bookmark. More often fistulas are localised on 1 - 2 sm above tracheas and combined with or a gullet stenosis. Various variants tra-heopishchevodnyh fistulas can be observed. Congenital fistulas without a gullet are observed less often, located at level C7 - D1 vertebras. The basic clinical - displays fistulas: fits of coughing at feeding, development , a pneumonia. The diagnosis specify a - method contrast through , entered - into a gullet.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Clinical Displays: Skin Defeat (an Itch, , A

Clinical displays: skin defeat (an itch, , a dummy, crusts, , superficial - bleeding ), nipple deformation, nipple destruction, a tumour in a mammary gland. Metastasises in lymph nodes appear rather late. The diagnosis confirms detection large "cages of Pedzheta" at - research of crusts, , contents of vials. Diagnostics: difficulties at - statement of the diagnosis of a cancer of a mammary gland - arise only in - initial stages - of disease. The tumour - of a mammary gland in diameter - 5 - 10 mm, especially - if it is located - in deep departments of a mammary gland - of the big size, even the most skilled doctor cannot reveal at . Early - diagnostics is possible at inspection - of the women - making group - of raised risk (- women are more senior 35 years; women with - mammary gland diseases-; operated in the past - on a mammary gland-; a - uterus suffering - by diseases, - appendages, ; women in whom during mass - preventive - inspection - shades on have been found out-; women with an adverse - heredity).

Friday, November 2, 2007

Peripheral Cancer. Intrashare Tumoral Knot. In The -

Peripheral cancer. Intrashare tumoral knot. In the - beginning of development of distinct semiology there is no also a defeat reveal - usually casually at radiological research during - prophylactic medical examination. The tumour looks like a roundish shade in diameter 2 - 5 sm, with accurate contours. Gradually the tumour increases, squeezes, and then sprouts small bronchial branches. Usually - joins inflammatory process. Body rise in temperature, cough is thus marked. Treatment by antibiotics quickly improves the general condition of the patient, however a - shade in a lung remains. The further current of disease is defined by localisation of tumoral knot. At its arrangement is closer to a lung root usually early arises , and then a large bronchial tube and develops a segment or a share with characteristic for it a clinical picture. , besides a - shade of the triangular form, define roundish knot in the field of its top. Subpleural tumours. The core, and it is frequent also a unique symptom pains are.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Cavities Of The Expanded Bronchial Tubes For Pus.

Cavities of the expanded bronchial tubes for pus. In this stage are marked considerable m. changes and the bodies, caused - by a chronic purulent intoxication. The left lung is surprised in 2 - 3 times more often, than right - is the Most frequent develop in the bottom share of the left lung. Thus 70 % of patients have a defeat and a segment Simultaneous defeat of the bottom and average shares on the right - is observed at 40 % of patients. Approximately at 30 % of the patients suffering - by illness, bilateral defeat takes place. Clinic and diagnostics: for the - long, long-term current with periodic obostreni is characteristic. Some patients are disturbed many years only by cough with constantly increasing quantity . However at the - majority of patients the periods of relative well-being are replaced by the periods an aggravation during which time the body temperature raises, the significant amount branch is marked, - usually it makes from 50 to 200 ml/sut, at seriously ill patients reaches 500 ml and more.

Friday, October 26, 2007

The Similar Picture Can Take Place At A

The similar picture can take place at a so-called diving craw owing to its introduction between a trachea - and the breast handle. Breath frustration can arise and after operation at - walls of a trachea owing to constant pressure of a craw At the craw is as though the external skeleton keeping a gleam of a trachea. Craw removal leads to fall of walls of a trachea; its gleam becomes and there is a threat . In these cases it is necessary tracheas with the subsequent long fixing of walls of a trachea from outside its gleam a tube or external fixing forward and lateral walls to grudinokljuchichno-sostsevidnoj for a muscle. Use also - other methods of operations warning fall of a gleam of a trachea. Ekspiratornyj stenosis of a trachea. Arises owing to easing of a wide webby part of a trachea During an exhalation it in a trachea gleam, it is sharp it narrowing. Breath is broken. The considerable role in disease development is played by a chronic bronchitis, an emphysema of lungs. Patients usually complain of a short wind, asthma attacks, cough, feeling of a foreign matter in a trachea.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Metapneumonic Abscesses Arise At 1,2 - 1,5 %

Metapneumonic abscesses arise at 1,2 - 1,5 % sick of a pneumonia. Their development is favoured by decrease in reactance of the organism, sharply expressed infringements of ventilation and the blood supplies of a lung quite often caused by previous diseases of lungs, insufficiently active treatment of pulmonary process. Gematogenno-Embolichesky way. This way develop 7 - 9 % of abscesses of a lung. Infection hit in lungs occurs owing to carrying over by a current of blood infected from the extrapulmonary centres of an infection at , an osteomyelitis, a purulent thrombophlebitis, etc. Infected cork - lung vessels, - the heart attack of a lung which is exposed to purulent fusion develops. The abscesses having gematogenno-embolicheskoe an origin, are more often localised in the bottom shares; they . The limfogennyj way of development of pulmonary abscesses and a gangrene is observed seldom. Infection drift in lungs is possible at quinsy, , an abscess, etc. Abscesses and gangrenes of a traumatic origin grow out of the closed trauma of a thorax with damage of a pulmonary fabric and getting wounds.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Eventually It - Also Reaches 2 - 7

Eventually it - also reaches 2 - 7 mm. Under certain conditions there comes �destruction of a parasite. Such conditions can be: a suppuration , a hemorrhage in it, a trauma and rupture, sometimes ageing. At dying off the - liquid in grows turbid, is partially soaked up, partially turns - in weight; the cover becomes impregnated with salts to exhaust. Small sometimes turn to a cicatricial fabric. Clinic and diagnostics: as a rule, - develops slowly, sometimes within several years without giving - clinical displays; begins at young age is more often. Usually distinguish three stages of development of illness. The stage I - asymptomatic, can last for years. Disease - find out casually at carrying out of radiological research. The stage II is accompanied by dull aches in a breast and a back, a short wind, cough. Cough dry also is caused in the beginning by irritation - of nervous receptors of a pleura and bronchial tubes. Then with development pe-rifokalnogo inflammatory process, deformation of bronchial tubes and - difficulty of branch of a secret appears mucous , sometimes - with blood proveins that is caused by rupture of the small vessels surrounding .

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Radiological Research Reveals In The Beginning Extensive Blackout

Radiological research reveals in the beginning extensive blackout in a lung; on a measure abscesses from contents against blackout cavities with liquid levels become visible. Recover of the patient, as a rule, does not come. progresses. Legochno-warm insufficiency, stagnation in a small circle of blood circulation, dystrophic changes bodies develop. All it quickly leads to death. Gangrene - the heaviest form of purulent defeat of a lung. the products of putrefactive disintegration formed at a gangrene of a lung, and bacterial toxins leads to an intoxication of the patient. At a lung gangrene early to separate the considerable quantity fetid foamy , looking like "meat slops" owing to an impurity of blood from pulmonary vessels. The - pleura that leads to development putrefactive or , as a rule, is involved in process-. At research of the patient the expressed short wind, an anaemia, , a considerable zone of shortening a sound over the amazed lung attract attention; at the set of damp rattles of various calibre is audible.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

With The Years The Ferruterous Fabric Is Replaced

With the years the ferruterous fabric is replaced fatty, pains stop. (synonyms: illness of Reklju, illness of Shimelbusha, illness, , and ) it is difficult to differentiate Some forms - from a cancer, sometimes the cancer develops against . meets at the age of 30 - 50 years. Aetiology: infringement of the central nervous regulation, function gipotalamo-gipofizarnoj systems, , adrenal glands - and a thyroid gland. At patients - infringements ovarialno-menstrualnoj functions are quite often observed-, infringement ache functions. The important role in development belongs and to infringements in the ratio an estrogen and , and also to level increase mountains a hypophysis Under influence infringements recurrence of physiological processes in a mammary gland fabric that creates conditions for development - changes-. Pathological anatomy: growths of a dense - connecting fabric in a kind in which - friable grey-pink sites are located - and with a transparent - liquid Distinguish and central, forms -.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Malignant Tumours Follicular , A Tumour Of Langhansa,

Malignant tumours follicular , a tumour of Langhansa, a solid cancer, and not differentiated cancer, tumours - a sarcoma, , The thyroid gland cancer makes 0,4 - 1 % of all malignant - new growths. Develops in a central craw with the normal - or lowered function and it is very rare in a - toxic craw At 15 - 20 % of patients at histologic research - of a central craw find out a cancer In 3 - 4 times more often a cancer - are observed at women, than at men To the factors promoting development of a cancer of a thyroid gland, carry a trauma, chronic inflammatory processes, a x-ray irradiation of area - of a thyroid gland, long treatment I133 or preparations. Good-quality tumours of a thyroid gland are observed seldom. There is an International classification of a cancer of a thyroid gland by system TNM, however in practice use - classification by stages is more often-. Clinical stages of a cancer of a thyroid gland I stage - a single tumour in a thyroid gland without its deformation, germination in a capsule and restrictions IIA a stage single or plural tumours of a thyroid gland, its deformation, but without germination in a capsule of gland and its restriction Regionarnye and the remote metastasises are absent II a stage - single or plural tumours of a thyroid gland without germination in a capsule and without restriction , but at presence metastasises in lymph nodes on the amazed party of a neck III stage a tumour extending for limits of a capsule of a thyroid gland and connected with surrounding fabrics or squeezing the next bodies.

Beam Therapy At A Lung Cancer Use Mainly

Beam therapy at a lung cancer use mainly - at treatment of the patients who are not subject to operation, and in the - postoperative period at not differentiated cancer if the histologic diagnosis is established only at - histologic research of a remote tumour. Total the dose of beam influence makes 60 - 70 Gr (6000 - 7000 it is glad) during 8-10 treatments. The chemotherapy can be with operation, be spent to combinations with beam treatment or as an independent kind of treatment. Last two kinds of treatment use at inoperable forms of a cancer. Most often for treatment of a cancer of a lung use -, , . The forecast: patients after a diagnosis establishment I live-t about 1 year. After radical operation the forecast - is defined mainly by a stage and histologic structure of a tumour. Results of surgical - treatment of patients with a - cancer are especially adverse--. At the differentiated forms of a cancer after the operation - made at disease of I stage, the 5-year-old survival rate reaches 60 - 70 %, II stages-30 - 40 %, III stages 10 - 15 %.

Friday, September 21, 2007

It Differs From A Pneumonia That Disease Symptoms

It differs from a pneumonia that disease symptoms - a heat, occurrence of a site of blackout - of a pulmonary fabric - very quickly, sometimes during 2 - 4 days, are resolved after application of anti-inflammatory therapy and means, and sometimes and in itself after sick a clot in the form of a stopper, an obturirovav-neck a bronchial tube Through the short period of time pneumonia symptoms appear again that should force to think the doctor of the central cancer of a lung. At full corking of a bronchial tube develops the part of the lung ventilated through the amazed bronchial tube (fig. 21). it is usually accompanied - by body rise in temperature-. Fizikalnye symptoms depend on changes in lungs. At infringement of passableness of a bronchial tube there is a backlog of a site of a thorax during breath; sometimes backlog of a shovel from a chest wall (a symptom of Dilona), trachea displacement aside (a symptom of Rubinshtejna) is visible. A number of patients has symptoms nonspecific - fingers become drum-type sticks, and nails - the form of hour fragments of glass.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Infringements And The Pus Formed - Owing To

Infringements and the pus formed - owing to development of an infection in a bronchial tree, cause periodic rises in temperature, occurrence of cough which treat as . At and suppurating passableness of a bronchial tube it is quite often restored for some months. Constant infringement of bronchial conductivity gradually leads to formation and abscesses in a pulmonary fabric. At the further growth of a tumour comes - full a bronchial tube with development a share or all lung. Central tumours, in the majority of an adenoma, often grow from smaller bronchial tube in a gleam of larger. Proceeding from it, usually takes place a share or all lung. Fizikalnoe research thus - gives the chance to define shortening presence a sound over area , easing or absence of breath, easing - or disappearance of vocal trembling. - hypoventilation or a share or all lung comes to light. On the tomogram amputation of a large bronchial tube is visible. The greatest information gives at which - find out a tumour with a smooth surface, a - bronchial tube gleam.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Beam Therapy Radiations (spend Sources Mega-voltnogo Gamma Installations,

Beam therapy radiations (spend sources mega-voltnogo gamma installations, beta thrones, linear - accelerators). Total a dose on a mammary gland of 25 Gr ' (2500 it is glad), on area of 21 Gr (2100 is glad). - and areas irradiate only after operation, a total dose to 45 Gr (4500 it is glad). At revealing of a cancer of a mammary gland at the pregnant woman it is necessary to recommend urgent interruption of pregnancy, and then to deal with a question on character of operation and the further treatment. The most frequent complication in the postoperative period after radical is development of a hypostasis of a hand on the operation party that is connected with infringement . To this patients recommend raised position of a hand, bandaging bandage, under indications and - anti-inflammatory therapy. With development of microsurgical technics began to find application of operation of creation . Cancer relapses are more often observed in the first 3 - 5 years after operation. Treatment: beam, himio - .

Monday, September 3, 2007

Pus, Getting To Bronchial Tubes, Causes Development -

Pus, getting to bronchial tubes, causes development - of a purulent bronchitis with plentiful formation (to several honeycombs of milliliters a day). at a lung abscess has an unpleasant smell, and at standing in bank shares on three layers. Bottom average consists of pus, - from a serous liquid and top - foamy. Sometimes in it is possible to see small - scraps of the changed pulmonary fabric (pulmonary sequesters). At - its microscopic research find out a considerable quantity - of leukocytes, fibres, set of bacteria. Given researches change in comparison with the first period. In process of clearing of a cavity of an abscess of pus and the permission inflammatory process the - shortening zone a sound disappears. In the presence of the big cavity, free from pus, over it it can be defined timpa-nichesky a sound more clearly revealed if at the patient opens a mouth. At the considerable sizes of an abscess are listened breath over a cavity and mixed - damp rattles, mainly in adjacent departments of a lung.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Gases Pass Through An Alveolar Wall Under The

Gases pass through an alveolar wall under the influence of a difference of pressure of gases in blood and alveolar air. Diffuzionnaja ability of carbonic gas is considerable, above (in 25 - 30 times), than at oxygen. As a part of alveolar air oxygen contains - in number of 15 about %, and carbonic acid - 6 about. % the Difference of pressure of oxygen in - alveoluses and blood also is small (6 9 mm hg). In this connection absorption sorts is broken easier, than carbonic acid return In norm oxygen absorption in blood is almost equal to its consumption in fabrics. Considerable enough frustration of breath and blood circulation can be compensated and not to be shown by anything at a quiet condition of the patient However the loading caused by operative intervention on lungs, the - disease aggravation is caused by frustration of function of external breath, lead to haemodynamics infringement RESEARCH METHODS For an establishment of the definitive diagnosis and a choice of a method of treatment, besides careful clinical inspection, at a - considerable part of patients with diseases of respiratory organs - performance of some special methods of research is necessary-.

Friday, August 24, 2007

At Big A Craw Causing - Tracheas And

At big a craw causing - tracheas and vessels, the thyroid gland resection is shown. At all forms of a central craw if to consider possibility knots, surgical intervention - a resection - of a thyroid gland with the subsequent urgent histologic research - which defines the further tactics is necessary--. Preventive maintenance a craw consists in application - table salt, carrying out of a complex of sanitary-and-hygienic actions. ( a craw, illness) - disease which arises owing to the raised - secretion hormones and is accompanied by heavy infringements in various bodies and systems. Aetiology; the reasons are influences - factors (a sharp or chronic mental trauma, an infection) on an organism in the presence of contributing and genetic factors, infringements of functions of bodies systems. In patients in blood has been found out it is long operating stimulator LATS which - activates thyroid gland function. It is proved that LATS is an antibody specific in relation to a thyroid gland. An antigene to which arise , receptors , localised in a plasmatic membrane serve.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Mucopurulent Or Purulent, Sharing At Standing In A

mucopurulent or purulent, sharing at standing in a vessel on three layers (bottom - pus, average - a serous liquid, top - slime): quite often in e blood proveins are visible. Approximately at 10 % of patients pulmonary bleedings are marked. A source and bleedings are a mucous membrane of the expanded bronchial tubes and expansions of vessels in walls bron-hoektazov. Especially it is a lot of at the patient separates in the mornings - when it. to clear the throat after a dream in the position most convenient for of amazed department of a lung. Frequent symptoms of an aggravation of pathological process - are chest pains, a short wind. As a classical sign - consider fingers in a kind of "drum-type sticks" and nails in a kind of "hour fragments of glass". To quite often these changes accompany - to a pain in finitenesses (a syndrome hypertrophic osteoartro-patii, described by Pierre Mari and Bambergerom). At thorax survey it is usually possible to note backlog - at part breath a cage corresponding to area of defeat of a lung; especially accurately it happens is expressed at patients -, combined with to a lung part.

Friday, August 17, 2007

A Mucous Membrane - Cylindrical With A Vibrating

a mucous membrane - cylindrical with a vibrating layer its Constant oscillative motions - promote advancement of small dust particles and formed slime in a throat direction. Trachea blood supply is carried out by branches of the bottom thyroid arteries and branches of the bronchial arteries originating from the descending aorta or the top intercostal arteries The blue blood flows mainly in venous textures, round a trachea and a gullet, whence arrives in the bottom venous textures of a thyroid gland, unpaired and semiunpaired veins. Outflow of a lymph from a trachea goes in centripetal a direction. Ways of outflow of a lymph from a trachea are closely connected with lymphatic ways of a gullet, a throat, a thyroid gland. tracheas it is carried out by branches returnable and nerves Besides, the trachea has sympathetic and parasympathetic the Part of nervous fibres spinal (from With, to Dg) Distinguish cervical and chest departments of a trachea. Last divide on chest and parts a trachea Arrangement on a neck and in a chest cavity causes its interrelations with neck and thorax bodies On a neck in front of it cover a thyroid gland isthmus, forward thyroid veins, sideways - shares of a thyroid gland and carotids ( carotis), behind a gullet with the returnable nerves lying in a furrow between a gullet and a trachea In chest department in front of a trachea the beginning of an anonymous artery (and ) and the left carotid, behind a gullet, at the left an aorta arch, the left general carotid, the left returnable nerve, on the right - an anonymous artery, the right wandering nerve is located.

- Lateral Shares Are Located At Level -

- Lateral shares are located at level - thyroid and cartilages, and the bottom pole to V - VI rings-. The weight of a thyroid gland at the adult person makes 25 - 30 Additional thyroid gland shares - can settle down from a root of language to an aorta arch (rice 1) Gland is covered by the fourth a neck consisting from thin internal and more powerful external leaves-. Between leaves - pass arterial and venous vessels. From a capsule in gland extend layers, which to gland on segments. Segments consist of the follicles, which wall single-layered cubic . Follicles are filled , consisting of a liquid including ribonuclein, , , iodine, and other enzymes. Thyroid gland blood supply is carried out by four basic arteries two top thyroid (a thyreoidea superior), departing from an external carotid, and the fifth unpaired artery (a thyreoidea ima), departing from arteries is available two bottom thyroid arteries (a thyreoidea inferior) which originate from department arteries Sometimes or from an aorta arch Thyroid arteries pass nearby, and sometimes cross with a returnable nerve It it is necessary to mean during operation as at bandaging of the bottom thyroid artery nerve damage is possible that leads or to a paralysis of vocal chords According to arteries there are the pair veins which branches form powerful textures.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

The Majority Of The Patients Who Have Arrived

The majority of the patients who have arrived in surgical clinic with diseases of lungs, has breath infringements. The basic sign of respiratory insufficiency is the - organism condition - at which normal function of the device of external breath - is insufficient to provide an organism with necessary - quantity of oxygen and to deduce carbonic acid. Condition of external breath characterise a number of its indicators-: air inhaled and exhaled at normal quiet - breath, name respiratory; it makes about 500 ml. At the maximum breath lungs can include 1500 more ml of air which is called as additional. Air, which leaves at the maximum forced exhalation (to 1500 ml), is called as reserve. Air received after the maximum breath and the subsequent - exhalation, makes vital capacity of lungs . The quantity of air exhaled in minute at quiet breath, makes minute volume of breath (FASHIONS). For judgement about the maximum ventilating ability of lungs define the maximum ventilation of lungs . Last three indicators define in percentage to due indicators under tables of Garrisa and Benedict.

Is Synthetic Means. The Preparation Accelerates Deducing From

is synthetic means. The preparation accelerates deducing from a thyroid gland -, oppresses activity of the fermental systems participating - in oxidation and transformation in iodine that brakes and detains transformation in . Small doses of iodine make braking impact on formation in a forward share of a hypophysis. reduces frustration, causes pulse. The resulted therapy use at treatment -, preparation for operation or treatment I. Influence _131 under the influence of beta particles conducts to �destruction - of cages follicular a thyroid gland and to replacement by their connecting fabric. Indications to radio isotope treatment _131: , proceeding with mental , the heaviest the disease form, at older persons with and warm insufficiency-, with irreversible changes from outside kidneys and a liver, the form in the absence of a craw. After reception of the big doses _131 development rough reactions with a deadly outcome, occurrence - of a constant, heavy , difficultly giving in to treatment, - development of malignant tumours of a thyroid gland, change of functions of sexual glands, increase is possible--.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The Most Frequent Complications Illnesses: Repeated Bleedings, Pleurae,

The most frequent complications illnesses: repeated bleedings, pleurae, spontaneous -, abscesses and a gangrene of lungs, brain abscesses, a meningitis. The differential diagnosis: it is necessary to spend with an abscess (abscesses) of a lung, central a lung at which can be a consequence of corking of a bronchial tube a - tumour, a tuberculosis of lungs. From last them distinguish - considerably the big duration of disease with, characteristic obos-friction, a considerable quantity , absence in it a tuberculosis, more often process localisation-, rather satisfactory condition of patients at - widespread defeat of lungs. Treatment: conservative, it is shown patients with disease of I stage, and also that patients to whom surgical treatment is counter-indicative. Treatment spend by the principles - of treatment of sharp purulent diseases of lungs stated above-. - It is necessary for patient - to provide the due sanitary-and-hygienic mode, a - high-calorific food rich - with fiber, therapy, introduction of antibacterial preparations according to - sensitivity of flora, to improve conditions the amazed departments of lungs, to spend .

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Preventive Inspection - Spend With The Help Photoroentgenography,

Preventive inspection - spend with the help photoroentgenography, if necessary carry out , . In early revealing of a cancer of a mammary gland the important role - belongs to self-inspection it is necessary for that to learn women. it is necessary at palpated consolidations in a mammary gland. The prinesomnennom diagnosis of a cancer of a mammary gland - carry out for the purpose of specification of changes in an - opposite mammary gland. At a palpated cancer on the shade of cancer knot more often single, has the wrong form and rough contours, , directed to a nipple, skin over knot. Small adjournment are sometimes defined to exhaust . At forms of a cancer of a mammary gland the - knot shade often is not defined, but congestions on the limited site, a skin thickening, reorganisation of structure of a mammary gland come to light. At the tumours developing from lacteal channels, on - defect of filling in a lacteal channel, it or is defined-. At not palpated cancer of a mammary gland when diameter of a tumour does not exceed 0,5 sm, on the knot shade forms with on peripheries or only a congestion - on the limited site is visible-.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Radiological Research Is Shown All Patients. - Performance

Radiological research is shown all patients. - Performance both , and , and a minimum in two planes - direct and lateral is obligatory. Often they give the chance to make the definitive diagnosis of pathological process (presence of a cavity of an abscess, in a pleura, etc.), - to define localisation of defeat for carrying out of the directed research. The tomography - level-by-level radiological research - of lungs gives the chance to establish change of a gleam of a trachea and bronchial tubes (for this purpose, except a tomography in a direct projection, - it is necessary also research in a lateral projection), presence of cavities in revealed sites of blackout of a lung, to see the sequester in a cavity, to specify character of contours . Diagnostic possibilities of a method increase - at application of a so-called tomography with direct - increase. - research with the help - along with a tomography is the basic method of research at diseases of a trachea and bronchial tubes. Absolute indications to its application are diseases of a trachea and bronchial tubes, - suspicion on a lung cancer, foreign matters in a trachea and bronchial tubes.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The Clinic And Diagnostics Patients Feel Almost Healthy

The clinic and diagnostics patients feel almost healthy work. However if to track their destiny, at them more often, than other groups of people, have cough, allocation , the raised body temperature which are treated as diseases, aggravations of a bronchitis or . Fizikalnoe research does not give the accurate data, helping to diagnose. The diagnosis is based on the anamnesis (transferred earlier sharp abscess of a lung) and the data of radiological research at which presence of a site of a pneumosclerosis or a thin-walled cavity in a lung the Definitive diagnosis can be established is allowed to put at carrying out and especially . At last method cavities, more often in II or VI the right lung, deformation of bronchial tubes, a cavity well come to light. The basic signs distinguishing a pneumosclerosis from an abscess of a lung, are but smaller frequency and weight of an aggravation of disease, absence of a purulent intoxication and changes in lungs Sick months and even for years can feel good and keep working capacity.

Friday, July 27, 2007

The Important Indicator Is Also The - Oxygen

The important indicator is also the - oxygen operating ratio - as he specifies on possibilities - of alveoljarno-capillary membranes. It is equal in norm 40. On the basis of the specified indicators (tab. 2), and also - researches with 133 (see above) can be defined degree - of respiratory insufficiency that is of great importance at the decision - of a question on operation possibility on lungs. Research reactance. Any heavy infection, a surgical trauma, postoperative complication cause deficiency of immune system. Are thus oppressed Table 2 the Clinical and laboratory characteristic of degrees of respiratory insufficiency Symptoms and indicators Degree of respiratory insufficiency IIIIII In time and after movements, short-term After a lung physical in rest Number breath in rest 16-24, at physical activity increase on 10 - 12 in a minute, quickly - to norm (not later than through 7 mines) Lasts longer 24-28 at physical on , increase on 12 - 16 in minute, - restoration 30 and is more in a minute Loading - UtomljaemostNastupaet is sharp Depth rest the normal.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

It Is Possible To Allocate Two Stages The

It is possible to allocate two stages the first for which presence in one or both easy sites , not having clear boundary is characteristic. For metastatic - secondary - presence plural various size of the centres atelektaza-infiltratsii the First stage of disease is characteristic - at a lightning current passes in the second stage a stage a pulmonary fabric in the first 2 days Clinic and diagnostics: proceeds hard In the beginning of its disease difficultly to distinguish from a sepsis of Auskultativnaja a picture often poor and does not reflect heavy change in lungs. The greatest value for disease diagnostics has - radiological research at which reveal consolidation in one or several shares (more often in bottom and average), and also - presence plural shades in lungs At defeat of segments of one share of a lung is defined the triangular - shade corresponding to the amazed share, - purulent . Treatment: should be active and complex. At - secondary treatment should be directed first of all on liquidation of a primary source of an infection (opening and - an abscess in a mammary gland, a belly cavity, osteomie-liticheskogo the centre, etc.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

The Intermediate Owner, I.e. The Carrier Stages -,

The intermediate owner, i.e. The carrier stages -, are large and a small cattle, pigs, rabbits-, monkeys and the person. Germs tape worms get to lungs from a stomach and a small intestine a way through a chest channel or through short zheludochno-pishchevodnye the veins serving - between and hollow veins. . At the overwhelming majority of patients - a lung meets in a kind (one- or multichamber) forms. On frequency of defeat - lungs take the second place after defeat of a liver and - are observed at 10 - 20 % of the patients amazed . Pathological anatomy: mature consists of two layers - external, or chitinous, and internal-, germinal. The chitinous layer is as though an armour and consists from fibres with sites . From internal-, germinal, covers grow (affiliated) capsules from them . This layer possesses boundless - ability to reproduction and an organism. It allocates a liquid, characteristic for . In reply to the local reaction caused by a parasite, round a chitinous cover the cover named a fibrous capsule is formed .

Saturday, July 14, 2007

The Definitive Diagnosis Can Be Put Only At

The definitive diagnosis can be put only at which should be conducted under the control - of radiological research or ultrasonic scanning. When special methods of research do not give possibility to diagnose, carry out at - which make . In case of acknowledgement - of good-quality character of a tumour make its removal with the - minimum part of a lung (regional or. a - lung resection-, ). Sometimes it is possible to remove only a tumour without a lung resection. LUNG CANCER Disease of a lung cancer last decades - has sharply increased in the majority of the countries of the world. It is especially great in Austria, Belgium, Great Britain, the USA. In structure of oncological - diseases in the USA the cancer occupies the second (after a - mammary gland cancer-) a place. In the USSR - the fourth (after a cancer of a stomach, a uterus, a skin). On 100000 population annually in our country falls ill with a cancer of a lung 24 - 25 persons. At the age of 40 - 50 years fall ill 25 % of patients, at the age of 50 - 60 years - 50 %.

Friday, July 13, 2007

In Process Of Progressing Of Disease The Pain

In process of progressing of disease the pain amplifies, increases a - mammary gland hypostasis, there are skin, - painful increased axillary lymph nodes, a - body temperature high, a fever. In the blood analysis , - increased . Transition of a serous mastitis in and in the purulent occurs further quickly (for 4 - 5 days). Extremely the - grave condition is observed at a mastitis: the body temperature raises to 40 - 41�, pulse becomes frequent to 120 - 130 in a minute, the mammary gland is increased in volume, its skin with sites , and Expressed with shift of the formula of white blood to the left In urine is defined fiber. At a heavy current of a mastitis a cart sepsis development, pleurae is possible. Treatment: conservative in an initial stage of a sharp mastitis (raised position of a mammary gland, milk a milk pump, taking into account - sensitivity of microflora). Crops of milk for the decision of a question on possibility to continue feeding of the child are obligatory. As a rule, feeding by the amazed mammary gland stop because of possible development in the child of a stomatitis, an enteritis, -.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Absence Of Temperature - Reaction Testifies Usually To

Absence of temperature - reaction testifies usually to areactivity of an organism, however can be and at development against treatment of a pneumonia by antibiotics. At thorax research mark backlog - of its amazed half at breath. Intercostal intervals - are expanded and smoothed owing to pressure and relaxations - of intercostal muscles. Palpation allows to add the - data received at survey. At comparison of two folds of the skin taken on symmetric places of both half of a thorax, it is possible to notice that on the amazed party a skin fold - slightly more thickly, and research is more painful. At empyema necessitatis and formation phlegmons soft fabrics of a thorax in the field of beginning break of pus from a pleura become dense, in this area is painful. Subsequently there is a - fluctuation symptom-. Research of vocal trembling helps to spend the - differential diagnosis between the limited forms of a purulent pleurisy and a pneumonia. Easing or absence of vocal trembling always corresponds to a congestion .

Saturday, July 7, 2007

At Position Of Gland Research Is Better -

At position of gland research is better - for spending in position of the patient lying with the pillow enclosed under shoulders. The basic exchange is the focusing test in diagnostics of infringements of function of a thyroid gland. It define - by means of indirect , based on calculation of quantity of the absorbed oxygen and carbonic acid formation. In norm the basic exchange makes +10 %. Level iodine in blood reflects the - valid functional condition of a thyroid gland. At - healthy people in blood makes 3,5 - 7,5 mkg. Research with radioactive substances allows - to study inorganic and organic phases of an iodic exchange, to judge a peripheral stage of an iodic and hormonal exchange. In norm accumulation _131 in a thyroid gland through 2 makes from 5 to 10 %, through 24 20 - 30 %. At the raised function - of a thyroid gland it is considerable above. allows to define contours and the sizes - of a thyroid gland (fig. 2) to reveal formations and metastasises, a fabric. At a central craw the raised accumulation in _131 knot specifies in its functional - hyperactivity (so-called "hot" knot).

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Strongly Expressed - Osteoporosis With Full Or Partial

Strongly expressed - osteoporosis with full or partial flattening of chest and lumbar vertebras is observed-. Often it is combined with a stomach ulcer and a - duodenal gut, (the section "Peptichesky ulcer" see). The diagnosis put on the basis of the anamnesis, the characteristic symptoms-, given radiological research and laboratory indicators , and . glands with the help 57 - allows to define a site of gland and to specify its - morphological changes. Treatment: a unique radical method of treatment - removal . . The disease caused by insufficiency . The reasons : inflammatory diseases - glands, a hemorrhage during a trauma, congenital inferiority, casual removal at a thyroid gland resection. Clinic and diagnostics: it is characterised - by attacks of tonic spasms. More often spasms arise - in face muscles, the top finitenesses, grasping symmetric - groups of muscles. Spasms are accompanied by the belly-aches caused by a spasm of muscles of a belly wall and smooth - muscles of intestines.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Further The Tumour Can Extend In Three Directions-:

Further the tumour can extend in three directions-: 1) in a bronchial tube gleam, forming growths; 2) in-filters a bronchial tube wall, extending on it as in a direction - of larger, and smaller bronchial tubes; 3) - sprouting between rings, extends then peri-bronhialno and forms tumoral knot or branches on a course of bronchial branches and vessels. On localisation a lung divide on central (starting with the main, share and segmentary bronchial tubes) and peripheral (starting with smaller bronchial tubes). Approximately at 60 % of patients the cancer is localised in the top departments - of lungs. Mark the central cancer more often, however at - some patients this cancer to carry to peripheral, sprouted in a large bronchial tube (so-called centralisation - of a peripheral cancer) more correctly-. The central cancer subdivide on two basic forms: en-dobronhialnyj ( and ), (central, branched out). Peripheral cancer divide into four forms: to an intradale-voi knot, subpleural tumours (including a cancer of a top - of a lung, or "a tumour of Pankosta"), the form, mi-liarnuju and forms.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

As Additional Influence Apply Remote Gamma Therapy, Implantation

As additional influence apply remote gamma therapy, implantation in a fabric of a tumour of radioactive preparations - cobalt, iridium. DEVELOPMENTAL ANOMALIES OF LUNGS Developmental anomalies of lungs can be formed both in the period, and within the first years of a life . Distinguish: 1) developmental anomalies of a bronchial tree and pulmonary ; 2) developmental anomalies of vessels of a lung DEVELOPMENTAL ANOMALIES OF BRONCHIAL TUBES AND THE LUNG (a lung total absence) and (absence of a lung in the presence of the rudimentary bronchial tube which is coming to an end blindly) can be one- and bilateral These defects - are incompatible with life, meet seldom. and shares meet even less often, special treatment do not demand. - all lung or its share; - distinguish simple and forms. At the simple form the lung or its share are reduced in sizes, bronchial tubes are narrowed At reveal blood-groove pauperisation in 3 - 4 times in comparison with norm At to the form, besides, mark expansion of segmentary and subsegmentary bronchial tubes, sharp reduction of volume pulmonary .

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

It Connect To The Tube Lowered Under Water

It connect to the tube lowered under water with the valve on the end. The valve can be made of a finger of a rubber glove; it - provides dump of air from a pleura under water. The valve guarantees from air in the opposite direction - in a pleural cavity. Any vacuum-device providing negative pressure in 20 - 30 sm of waters can be applied also. The item to Use the vacuum-aspiratory, creating high negative - pressure, at spontaneous does not follow, as it can cause a hypostasis of lungs. For the prevention pleurae enter antibiotics into a pleural cavity or antiseptics. It is more 4 a drainage do not recommend to hold, as after that term it starts to serve as entrance collars for an infection. At failure vacuum-aspiratsii, presence nonremovable -, found out the big changes in lungs operation is shown. It ' wide torako-tomii, careful defects of a pulmonary fabric, a resection of the sites amazed or . After careful check recommend by means of a scalpel or gauze - tampons to remove blankets with - and pleurae that promotes to a surface of a lung with a chest wall and by that warns relapses .

Monday, June 18, 2007

In Places Are Available - Cavities With And

In places are available - cavities with and cicatricial regeneration of a pulmonary fabric. Walls the expanded bronchial tubes smooth, are covered flat -. Last in places absolutely is absent and - is replaced by a fabric. In some places in expansions are visible . Distinguish three stages of development : in I stage - of change are limited to expansion of small bronchial tubes to diameter 0,5 - 1,5 Walls of bronchial tubes cylindrical see. Cavities of the expanded bronchial tubes are filled by slime. Suppurations in this stage are not present. In II stage inflammatory changes in walls - of bronchial tubes and a suppuration join-. The expanded bronchial tubes contain pus. Integrity is broken, cylindrical - multilayered flat with Places it in places is replaced , are formed a mucous membrane In a layer the cicatricial connecting fabric develops. In III stage process of bronchial tubes passes to surrounding pulmonary fabric with development of a pneumosclerosis Bronchial tubes are considerably expanded, in them walls there are phenomena and inflammations with powerful development of a sclerosis peribron-hialnoj a connecting fabric.

At It Is Necessary To Differentiate With Malignant

at it is necessary to differentiate with malignant - which connect with defeat - of an intermediate brain and superfluous production a hormone of a forward share of a hypophysis. Malignant it is observed mainly at people of middle age, there can be one- and bilateral. an eyeball reaches such - degree that occurs it from an orbit. Patients are disturbed - by severe pains in the field of an orbit, and restriction of movement of eyes. Presence and especially with bent to and to cornea disintegration is characteristic. Change of intraorbital pressure leads to changes of an optic nerve up to its atrophy. Special methods of research. The basic exchange at is raised and at - its heavy - forms can exceed +60 %. - Absorption of iodine - by a thyroid gland is sharply increased - in comparison with norm, especially - during the first hours researches. In blood of patients - maintenance T3, 4 and is raised-. shows - distribution - of accumulation of an isotope and gives the chance to spend the differential diagnosis - between a - craw and an adenoma at which "the hot knot".

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Leads To Formation - Of Full And Incomplete

leads to formation - of full and incomplete fistulas. At full fistulas there is an external and internal aperture. The internal aperture settles down - in palatal , external - on a neck more often-; the last often happens openly already at a birth of the child. Treatment: surgical - or together with a course and a site of a hypoglossal bone (at median -) after preliminary a course dark blue. DAMAGES OF BODIES OF THE NECK Damages of bodies of a neck grow out of a stupid trauma, wounds (chipped, , fire), burns. Damages of large arteries are accompanied by a massive bleeding, and at damages of veins, except a bleeding, is possible air . Treatment: the time stop of a bleeding is carried out by pressing of a bleeding vessel by a finger, a tampon; definitive - - bandaging of the damaged vessel, imposing of a vascular seam, a vessel plasticity. Throat and trachea damage is accompanied by a bleeding in a trachea gleam, breath infringement, . Treatment: tracheas, imposing , a - bleeding stop, surgical processing of a wound.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Congenital Fistulas Represent A Version - Branchiate Or

Congenital fistulas represent a version - branchiate or neck fistulas. Can be - full (to open on a skin and in a trachea) or incomplete (- to open only on a skin - external fistulas, or in a trachea - internal - fistulas). Incomplete external fistulas are more often observed. The diagnosis: is based on the data At - introduction of contrast substance in a course specify its communication with a trachea gleam. Internal incomplete fistulas, as a rule, do not demand special treatment In other cases are shown a course or its coagulation. TRAUMATIC DAMAGES OF THE TRACHEA The most frequent reason of traumatic damages - of chest department of a trachea is the transport trauma. At small anguishes of a trachea the condition of patients remains satisfactory Cough, "an emphysema on a neck" appear not at once Then the - phenomena develop-. Sometimes the first symptoms of disease are caused by a stenosis of a trachea owing to hem formation At full or big cross-section ruptures a condition of patients the - heavy: a short wind, , cough, , an emphysema.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

In Case It Causes A Vessel, Appears The

In case it causes a vessel, appears the Tumour of the big - sizes, reaching a chest wall or a diaphragm, can - cause chest pains, difficulty of breath; at localisation in medial departments of a lung - pains in the field of heart At sdavle-nii a large bronchial tube there is so-called "centralisation" of a peripheral tumour. The clinical picture in these cases is similar to a clinical picture of the central tumour. The diagnosis of a good-quality peripheral tumour, as a rule-, is very difficult. The roundish form, equal contours of a shade the tumours - which are found out at radiological research, presence - in it of limy inclusions are not for a good-quality new growth and can be at a - tuberculosis, peripheral , hematomas. At it is possible to reveal that vessels bend around - formation in a lung while at a malignant tumour amputation of the branches approaching to a tumour is observed. At the small size of a tumour it is research does not specify the diagnosis. - sometimes reveal indirect signs of a peripheral tumour - displacement of bronchial branches, change of their corner from-circulation, sometimes narrowing of a gleam at the expense of external pressure.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Surgical Intervention Is Shown At A Lung Gangrene

Surgical intervention is shown at a lung gangrene (pulmon - or ); at a sharp abscess to it resort when there are extensive centres a pulmonary fabric at enough satisfactory For these patients carry out one-stage (in the presence of unions between and pleura leaves) or two (in the absence of unions) . Last years these operations make all less often as good the abscess can be reached at its puncture through a chest wall introduction in a cavity of an abscess of a drainage with the help (rice 16 and) I Will follow pus and introduction enzymes and antibiotics usually give good effect. Conservative baking is unpromising at abscesses in diameter more than 6 sm to very thick capsule of an abscess of an intoxication revealed at radiological research not conceding) high-grade complex therapy In these cases can recommend a lung resection in the sharp period. Outcomes of a sharp abscess of a lung 1) an absolute recovery at which along with disappearance of clinical semiology disappear also radiological symptoms of an abscess of a lung 2) clinical recover which is characterised by a total disappearance of clinical displays of disease however rents in a lung the dry cavity 3 comes to light) clinical improvement by the time of an extract of the patient remains a body temperature of the patient allocates a fur-tree small amount purulent with Rentgenologicheski with a pulmonary fabric in its circle 4) without improvement the cavity is found out in these patients without what or the sharp form passes remissions in chronic Quickly the intoxication accrues warm insufficiency a dystrophy bodies 5) a lethal outcome develops .

Distinguish , Gematogenno-embolichesky, And Traumatic Ways Of Occurrence

Distinguish , gematogenno-embolichesky, and traumatic ways of occurrence of pulmonary abscesses and a gangrene. Bronholegochnyj way. One of the most frequent reasons - of occurrence of abscesses and a gangrene is infringement of passableness of the segmentary and share bronchial tubes, caused by hit in their gleam of the infected material from . At an - unconsciousness (owing to alcoholic intoxication, after operation-), at heavy infectious diseases function - bronchial tubes is broken, a reflex is suppressed and the infected material (food parts, a scale, a saliva) can be fixed in a bronchial tube so much time, how many is necessary for development and the inflammatory phenomena in a corresponding site of a lung. As a rule, abscesses in these cases are localised in back segments (II, VI) and more often in the right lung. Similar conditions arise at corking of a bronchial tube - by a tumour, a foreign matter, at narrowing of its gleam by a hem ( abscesses). Removal of a foreign matter and restoration of passableness of a bronchial tube in these cases quite often lead to fast treatment of the patient.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Pressure Increase In A Pleural Cavity Conducts To

Pressure increase in a pleural cavity conducts to displacement and its vessels and first of all the most pliable top hollow vein. Inflow of blood from vessels of the top half of body in the right auricle is as a result broken, the - volume of circulating blood sharply - decreases. Reduction or absence of ventilation squeezed and lung air breaks delivery of oxygen and removal of carbonic acid from alveolar air. Besides, as a result a lung there is a dump of blood from in , passing a capillary channel that also reduces the oxygen maintenance in the blood flowing from a lung. The big infringements arise in an albuminous and hydroionic - exchange. Losses of fiber and first of all with reduce pressure of blood that leads to losses of a liquid and increases . Liquid losses are connected with sodium losses. Thereof the kidney starts to detain sodium and instead of it to allocate with urine that conducts to . Process of muscular reduction, including ability of a muscle of heart is broken. Thus, at pleurae come heavy - infringements of function of some the organism systems, rendering a great influence on a disease current.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Tumour Growth Occurs Mainly - To Periphery That

Tumour growth occurs mainly - to periphery that leads it on a pleura or growing into a chest wall. The last is accompanied - by occurrence of the intensive pains connected with involving in process of intercostal nerves. At tumour localisation in medial departments of a lung there can be the pains reminding . The cancer of a top - of a lung (tumour of Pankosta) concerns subpleural forms also-. At this localisation of a tumour sick diseases in the beginning mark pains in the field of a forearm, is frequent in a hand. At the further growth of a tumour the - puffiness of a hand caused - of a vein sometimes - joins-. Simultaneously with it or later the - sympathetic trunk is involved in process-, and the patient has a syndrome of Gornera (, , ) on the defeat party. "" the form of a peripheral cancer represents result of disintegration of tumoral knot. In process of growth in the centre of a peripheral tumour the disintegration well revealed at a tomography is planned. At destruction of a wall of a large bronchial tube occurs disintegration cavities therefore the clinical picture of disease and the radiological data happen similar to those at a lung abscess.

Monday, May 21, 2007

E. Between The Diseases Giving Spherical Formations - In

e. Between the diseases giving spherical formations - in lungs. Use all complex of special methods - of research except for a puncture. Last at suspicion on is inadmissible because of rupture possibility , - dangers of hit liquids in a pleura with development heavy reactions and a parasite. Treatment: only the surgical. Can be executed: 1) after preliminary - contents . At this method after - napkins a thick needle, suck away from it contents and dissect a fibrous capsule. Delete a chitinous - cover with its contents, wipe a cavity 5 - 10 % a - formalin solution, carefully take in apertures of bronchial fistulas opening in it and take in the formed cavity. At deep big cavities when represents great difficulties and sharply deforms a lung, it is more expedient - after processing of a cavity and bronchial fistulas as much as possible a fibrous capsule and to sheathe its edges separate - haemostatic seams. After that a lung inflate until it will not come to contact with a pleura; 2) a method ideal consists - at a distance without opening of its gleam After - damp gauze napkins dissect a fabric of a lung and a fibrous cover.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

The Mammary Gland Delete Together With Small And

The Mammary gland delete together with small and big pectoral muscles, , subscapular-, and the lymph nodes located on a course of internal chest arteries and veins. This operation has not received a wide circulation because of a trauma . The Same effect can be received at the account of possible presence of metastasises in lymph nodes, - carrying out after radical on Holstedu or on Pejti of beam therapy. At a mammary gland cancer __, __ a, ___ stages operation would combine with beam or chemotherapy. At a cancer ___ the stage accepts complex treatment: beam therapy, radical -, chemotherapy, . Radical it is counter-indicative at patients with stages of disease T4N1 - 3 and - 4N1M1, at total - defeat of a mammary gland, its fixing to a chest wall, meta-stazah in lymph nodes and an opposite side mammary gland, at presence metastasises, at cancer forms, a hand hypostasis. At these sick it is necessary to consider as the basic method of treatment a combination beam, himio - and -. at a cancer of a mammary gland at women, and also at till 10 years consists in suppression -.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

On A Pleura Surface There Is Only A

On a pleura surface there is only a fibrin. The - lymphatic cracks which are "soaking up" hatches of a pleura, are as though corked with the curtailed fibrin, squeezed in connection with a hypostasis of Vsasyvanie from a pleural cavity is sharply reduced. In this connection in it collects which squeezes a lung and displaces bodies . In those places where does not separate pleural leaves and leaves them in contact, there is a pasting of pleural surfaces at the expense of the dropped out fibrin Soon in solderings start to develop elements So there is a formation and multichamber By the end of 1st - to the beginning of 2nd week processes inflammations in a pleura accrue, amplifies a game of the young connecting fabric sprouting films. These processes extend on a chest wall and a pulmonary fabric - the membrane, the inflammatory centre in a pleura is formed some kind of . If accumulation occurs quickly, solderings can not be formed and purulent fills big a pleural cavity. On 3rd week registration fabrics begins there is an intensive development of collagenic fibres in and deep layers of a pleura, is broken its layers.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Sudden A Mammary Gland At Abortions And The

Sudden a mammary gland at abortions and the lactation termination can conduct to cellular structures of a ferruterous fabric RESEARCH METHODS Inspection of women with diseases of mammary glands the - complex. In the anamnesis - the complaints specifying in disease of a mammary gland (a pain, consolidations, allocation from nipples, - change of a skin, etc.), change of these symptoms in dynamics, - changes in the mammary glands connected with by a cycle, pregnancy, a lactation. It is necessary to pay attention to - character of a cycle, a current , sorts, - character of a lactation, gynecologic diseases, operations on genitals, quantity of abortions. Survey of mammary glands make in a light premise, the woman should be undressed to a belt. Research make - in a standing position with the lowered hands and an inclination forward, with the lifted hands and in a prone position on a back with the platen enclosed under shovels and lying on one side. The similar technique allows - to reveal hardly noticeable symptoms.

"An Orange-peel" Symptom - A Sign - Of

"An orange-peel" symptom - a sign - of distribution of process in the deep skin lymphatic cracks, accompanied by a hypostasis and expansion of skin follicles over a tumour. The mammary gland immovability in relation to the big chest muscle (a symptom of Pajra) specifies in germination - in it tumours. Diffuznye forms: otechno-infiltrativnaja the form, a cancer, a cancer, an armour-clad cancer. The otechno-infiltrativnaja form of a cancer of a mammary gland is more often observed at women at young age, in pregnancy, a lactation. A current sharp. The pain is absent is more often. The - increase in consolidation of a site of a mammary gland without a clear boundary quickly progresses-. The hypostasis of a mammary gland and a skin as a result of distribution of cancer cages on intraskin lymphatic vessels and to lymphatic cracks is characteristic. In lymph nodes early there are metastasises. The mastitopodobnyj cancer meets at young women, pregnant and feeding is more often. However the mastitis - demands special attention as it is difficult for distinguishing from a cancer from elderly women-.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

). TUMOURS OF THE CHEST WALL Good-quality Tumours (,

). TUMOURS OF THE CHEST WALL Good-quality tumours (, fibromas, ) develop slowly, without causing painful - symptoms. Histologic research of remote tumours - necessarily. Treatment: surgical, mainly for cosmetic - reasons. , develop from bone and fabrics of edges and a breast. As a rule, good-quality tumours slowly increase in sizes, however sometimes regenerate - in a sarcoma, start to grow quickly and give metastasises. Tumours of forward department of a thorax can reach the considerable sizes, without causing a pain and appreciable frustration of the general condition-. Sometimes turns in , - sprouting in a thorax that causes a chest pain, a short wind. The bone tumours which are settling down on a back surface of a thorax, start with a body of a shovel or a shoot more often, have a dense consistence, at movements are displaced together with a humeral belt. Treatment: the surgical. At shovels - full removal of a shovel with surrounding fabrics is shown. Malignant tumours (sarcomas of soft fabrics, bones and cartilages of a chest wall) are characterised by fast growth, - reach the big sizes, are exposed to disintegration in the centre, -.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Chest Pains Happen Seldom, More Often Patients Mark

Chest pains happen seldom, more often patients mark feeling in a breast. In late stages of development of a tumour there are symptoms, characteristic at development of tumours of other localisations: weakness, appetite decrease, a weight loss. The basic methods of diagnostics are a trachea tomography, especially in a lateral projection, and at which define character of growth of a tumour, make and take a print for cytologic issledova-nija. For detection tumour parts use a gullet a baric suspension. At this method of research extent the dissociation corresponding - to size of a tumour Distribution of a tumour for limits of a trachea comes to light - is well defined at a computer tomography. Treatment: interventions are shown in the presence of - good-quality tumours on a thin leg and also when open operation for whatever reasons - is counter-indicative. At the majority of good-quality tumours - of a trachea open operation new growths is shown. At malignant tumours I - III stages radical operation is the resection of a trachea within healthy fabrics with removal surrounding it and lymph nodes At the inoperable tumours breaking breath, make tumours At a low arrangement of a tumour through it spend extended a tube.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Distribution Of A Phlegmon Of A Neck In

Distribution of a phlegmon of a neck in forward and back quite often leads to a deadly outcome. To warn - distribution of phlegmons of a neck it is possible only by timely opening - and creation of conditions for pus outflow. necks develop in back department of a neck is more often. Is purulent-Nekrotichesky process extends on hypodermic , sometimes grasps and muscles. Treatment: in the early period antibiotics. At heavy - forms it is necessary wide fabrics, subsequently a skin plasticity. Often necks develops at sick of a diabetes-, therefore at them it is necessary to investigate urine on sugar. In the presence of a diabetes spend corresponding - therapy. Ludwig's quinsy - an oral cavity phlegmon. Disease usually arises as complication at a purulent osteomyelitis of the bottom jaw, inflammatory processes. Clinic: quickly progressing, sharp inflammatory process extends on language, a throat, cervical . Last also accepts almost black colour. The - difficulty of swallowing, a fetid smell from a mouth are observed , .

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

At Objective Research Position Of The Patient Pays

At objective research position of the patient pays attention. In the first days of disease prior to the beginning of medical punctures of a pleura if is available total , patients because of sharp pains cannot lie and accept a semisitting position. Quite often thus it is possible to notice that the patient rests hands about bed on purpose to fix a humeral belt and by that - to include in the breath certificate auxiliary muscles. At delimited the painful syndrome is expressed more poorly, patients do not accept the compelled position and is more often lie on the amazed half of thorax that sharply limits its respiratory excursions, and together with it reduces pains. Despite an oxygen summer residence, the majority of patients has a short wind in rest, lips and brushes of the hands, testifying to oxygen starvation and . Sometimes the patient is pale, covered sticky then that also is a sign . Pulse is speeded usually up to 110 - 120 in a minute. The temperature, as a rule, high and sometimes, especially at putrefactive infections-, has character.

Monday, April 23, 2007

The Forecast: The Remote Results Of Treatment Of

The forecast: the remote results of treatment of a cancer of a mammary gland depend not so much on a treatment method, how many from a disease stage. The best results are received at treatment - of not palpated cancer of a mammary gland, a tumour in diameter no more than 5 mm with a structure or a cancer as noninvasive (a cancer in situ), and a cancer with initial signs -. The five years' survival rate after the operation executed at a cancer of a mammary gland I and the Pas of stages, makes accordingly 93 and 84 %, while at tumours of Pb of a stage 60 - 65 %, and at tumours of III stage only 35 - 40 %. The cancer of a mammary gland at men arises more often in advanced age, against , to the International system of units (SI) the absorbed dose of radiation often develops, the - indicator of the absorbed dose is expressed in , 0,01 Gr = 1 is glad frequency of initially-plural tumoral growth, high hormonal dependence. The small sizes of a mammary gland, absence plentiful create conditions for - fast distribution of a tumour on surrounding fabrics.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

The Method Allows To Diagnose Germination Of A

The method allows to diagnose germination of a tumour of a lung in , to define the increased - lymph nodes in the field of a root of a lung and , metastasises in . - radiological research of a pleural cavity after introduction in it of contrast substance. - Water-soluble contrast substances are used - only. For definition - of the sizes of a cavity research a minimum in three positions is necessary: in vertical position, on a back and on one side (on the defeat party). Under certain indications, mainly for the purpose of - reception of a material for cytologic or histologic - research, apply and . make the special tool - . It gives the chance to receive - pleural contents for research-, to see and pleurae-, a tumour sprouting to a surface of a lung, to take for histologic research a slice of pathological formation-. Enter usually on lines in the fourth - the fifth . - survey of a forward surface of a trachea (to ) by means of the special tool. It is applied for the purpose of reception to histologic research - from the lymph nodes which are settling down on a course of a trachea, at suspicion on presence in them of metastasises of a cancer of a lung, diagnostics of system diseases (, etc.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Sometimes, On The Contrary, The - Phlegmon Is

Sometimes, on the contrary, the - phlegmon is a consequence of inflammatory process in a pleura. Clinic: the general condition heavy, a body heat, a fever. Skin reddenings usually do not happen; in - areas a swelling, morbidity at . Treatment: wide opening of an abscess on edge of the big chest muscle and spaces , antibiotics. Sharp the osteomyelitis of edges is observed more often at children. As a rule, the disease activator - golden -. Disease begins severe pains on the limited site of a thorax, body rise in temperature. Further - there is an edge thickening, skin over it. At abscess break it is formed it is long not healing fistula. At a sharp osteomyelitis almost never - comes to light pathological changes; at transition in chronic process on roentgenograms it is visible edges, the sequester. In the presence of an abscess and a fistula the diagnosis confirm bacteriological - and pus researches. Treatment: at sharp an edge osteomyelitis in the disease beginning-antibiotikoterapija, at an abscess - its opening, antibiotics.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

N3 - Lymph Nodes Are Palpated Over Or

N3 - Lymph nodes are palpated over or under a clavicle or there is a hand hypostasis on the defeat party. M - the remote metastasises. M0 - Signs of the remote metastasises are not present. There are remote metastasises. Defeat of a skin outside of a mammary gland, metastasises in an opposite mammary gland and lymph nodes. In the USSR kliniko-anatomic classification of a cancer of a mammary gland in which allocate four stages of distribution - of tumoral process is accepted-. I stage - a tumour in diameter less than 3 sm, settling down in thickness of a fabric of the mammary gland, not passing on surrounding and integuments; the Pas a stage - a tumour in diameter from 3 to 5 sm, passing on surrounding -, with presence of skin symptoms, without metastasises in lymph nodes. 116 stage - a tumour of the same size and a kind or the smaller sizes, but with presence of metastasises in axillary lymph nodes; Ilia a stage - a tumour in diameter from 5 to 10 sm or any size, - sprouting a skin, but without metastasises in lymph nodes; 1116 stage - a tumour of any size with plural metastasises in , and subscapular lymph nodes; 1 a stage - a tumour of any size with metastasises in lymph nodes areas: IV stage - widespread defeat of a mammary gland with dissemina-tsiej on a skin or extensive ; a tumour with the remote metastasises.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Activity By Introduction Of Hormonal - Preparations, And

Activity by introduction of hormonal - preparations, and at quickly progressing disease - bilateral . For an exception strengthenings of function of adrenal glands and braking right after - the patient appoint or . To patients with dying away function , being in 10 years and more, it is not shown. In this case treatment , being a hypophysis hormone is shown. spend during all life of the patient. At patients with the combination with chemotherapy and an irradiation conducts to remission more than in half of supervision. Chemotherapy - apply as an additional method in whom treatment of an initially-operable cancer of a mammary gland-, and also at treatment of patients with cancer relapses. - Antineoplastic preparations: , , 5-ftoruratsil, , . Widely use polychemotherapy - - a combination 3 - 4 preparations with the different mechanism of action-. Beam therapy - apply in complex treatment of a cancer - of a mammary gland, use sometimes in pre- and postoperative the periods for the purpose of preventive maintenance of relapses of metastasises, and also at their revealing.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

At A Chronic Abscess Probably Development Of The

At a chronic abscess probably development of the same complications which are inherent in the sharp period of disease - Diagnostics of a chronic abscess, besides the anamnesis data, - is based on radiological research It allows - to establish a pulmonary fabric in cavity circles, presence - in it of contents. At carrying out of the differential diagnosis of a chronic abscess of a lung it is necessary to mean a tuberculosis and a lung, a lung cancer (especially so-called - the form of a peripheral cancer). In the - differential diagnosis of these diseases the clinical picture, the given researches have Great value-. At a lung tuberculosis, except a cavity, come to light ache prescription the tubercular centres; usually flavourless, in it are available a tuberculosis. At lungs in find and a radiant fungus. At a cancer - of a lung with a suppuration and disintegration in the centre of a tumour carrying out - of the differential diagnosis can present difficulties (sm section "a lung Cancer").

Saturday, April 7, 2007

The Abscess Quite Often Happens Is Located Close

The abscess quite often happens is located close to a lung surface, opening of an abscess and bacterial about pleurae with the subsequent development Proceeding from it therefore is possible, in the field of an abscess expediently the Soldering and union lung between and a pleura can reach the big density, bleed at a section, in these cases expediently at allocation it is easy to use an electroknife or an ultrasonic wave guide. Postoperative reaches till now 4 - 6 % At the majority of the patients who have transferred , work capacity is restored through 3 4 after operation After during the first half of the year transfer of patients into physical inability, then use into physically easy work in a warm premise without industrial is necessary. Pneumosclerosis after a lung abscess. Clinical treatment at the majority of patients with a lung abscess comes to the end in a lung of a cicatricial fabric with "a dry" cavity or the smaller size. These cavities well enough a bronchial tube which is deformed by a cicatricial fabric Cavity walls become covered thin by a cover and is frequent , crawling of bronchial tubes In a lung how many considerable, changes thus are absent.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Pathological Anatomy: During The Moment In A Pulmonary

Pathological anatomy: during the moment in a pulmonary fabric against morphological changes, - characteristic for a pneumonia, appears one or several sites . Under the influence of bacterial enzymes there is a purulent fusion weights, - the - cavity filled with pus is formed-. Destruction of a wall of one of the bronchial tubes which are in a zone , causes - pus receipt - in a bronchial tree. Further morphological changes are defined by a condition of reactance of the patient, - conditions an abscess and its sizes, a current - of inflammatory process in a surrounding pulmonary fabric. At single purulent abscesses the cavity is quickly enough released from pus, its walls are gradually cleared from weights and become covered by granulations, on an - abscess place the - hem or a narrow cavity is formed. At big it is bad cavities, long purulent fusion fabrics, presence of inflammatory process in surrounding departments of a lung clearing of a cavity from weights occurs slowly, in an abscess wall the dense cicatricial fabric, disturbing to healing is formed.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

On Localisation Distinguish Cervical, , Partially , A

On localisation distinguish cervical, , partially , a craw and a craw of a root of language. At the - majority of sick infringements of function of a thyroid gland is not present, - however at the people living in places expressed , disease sometimes proceeds with the phenomena . At these patients reactions on external are slowed down, intellectual and - physical working capacity is lowered-. Patients mark slackness, . At research the bradycardia, decrease in reflexes comes to light. - Congenital - it is accompanied by development - which is characterised - by sharp backlog of physical and mental development. Symptoms: most often sick mark "feeling of awkwardness" - in the field of a neck at movement, a collar, - dry cough, hoarseness - of a voice, difficulty of breath. The last is connected with - walls of a trachea owing to - constant pressure of a craw with infringement of nervous regulation - of a trachea and a throat at their displacement aside. - Breath infringement - the most frequent symptom a craw.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Abscesses On Localisation Happen Peripheral And Central, Single

Abscesses on localisation happen peripheral and central, single and plural, unilateral and bilateral II Staphylococcal lungs III Nagnoivshiesja lungs (with the characteristic on presence of complications and localisation) AND THE LUNG GANGRENE Abscess and lung gangrene - qualitatively various - pathological processes. At an abscess the limited is purulent-destructive process in a pulmonary fabric takes place. Restriction of the inflammatory centre and transition of putrefactive disintegration in a suppuration testify to the - expressed protective reaction of an organism while the widespread - gangrene grows out progressing as a result of weak reactance or full areactivity - of an organism. Among patients men at the age of 30 - prevail 35 years, women are ill in 6 - 7 times less often that is connected with features of industrial activity of men, more widespread among them abusing alcohol and the smoking conducting to infringement of drainage function of the top respiratory ways. Aetiology and : the major factors - causing development of abscesses and a gangrene of a lung, are a pulmonary fabric (owing to a bronchial tube, and inflammations) blood circulation frustration in it, direct influence of toxins on a vacuum pulmonary fabric with the broken blood circulation.

Monday, March 26, 2007

A Thyroid Gland Carry Out Sympathetic And Parasympathetic

a thyroid gland carry out sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves. Thyroid gland hormones - (4) and , and also a hormone - . As the basic components for formation of hormones serve and amino acid . Iodine arrives in an organism with food, water, air in the form of organic and inorganic connection. The balance in an organism is subject to considerable fluctuations. The superfluous quantity is allocated from an organism with urine (98 %) and bile (2 %). In blood organic and inorganic connections of iodine form and sodium. Under the influence of oxidising enzymes and turn to elementary iodine. In a thyroid gland - joining of iodine to fiber begins. Atoms of iodine join in (the amino acid rest ). Meath and ( and ) do not possess hormonal activity, but are a substratum for formation hormones: - (4 - ) and . in 5 - 6 times surpass in activity and in 2 - 3 times on speed in an organism, its formation occurs basically not in a thyroid gland, and in peripheral fabrics and is carried out by partial - , iodine losing one atom.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Clinic And Diagnostics: All Forms Sharp Pleurae Have

Clinic and diagnostics: all forms sharp pleurae have common features - the intoxication, cough are typical for them, with allocation , a short wind, chest pains, body rise in temperature. Complaints of the patient not always can be connected with the beginning of inflammatory process in a pleura. They can be the disease sign which complication is - pleurae. Pains at primary are caused mainly by damage of soft fabrics of a thorax. At secondary pains in the amazed half of thorax have constant character, amplifying at breath, cough, change of position of a body. Usually sick separate a small amount . Long and frequent fits of coughing with significant amount branch , as a rule, testify to presence a fistula. Thus especially - patients separate a considerable quantity - in position on healthy to a side. The short wind is caused by a number of factors ("Patogenez" see). It is necessary to notice that it can be sharply expressed and at small quantity of pus in a pleural cavity as it happens, for example, at a pleurisy when deep breath is impossible because of sharp pains.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

1 Currents Of Pathological - Process Caused As

1 currents of pathological - process Caused as features-. Very big, diameter more than 6 sm, cavities in a lung, presence of sequesters in a cavity; bad conditions for - (narrow a bronchial tube; a course from a cavity, - beginning in its top part), abscess localisation in the bottom share, languid reaction of an organism to inflammatory process. 2 Caused by errors in treatment of the patient: late begun antibacterial therapy; small doses of antibiotics, application of antibiotics without sensitivity of flora; - insufficient use of the actions directed on improvement - of conditions for of an abscess; insufficient - use medical means. The most often chronic current is accepted by abscesses with - slow formation of an abscess; the abscesses developing against - widespread pneumonic of a pulmonary fabric-, especially at old and older persons Pathological anatomy: the chronic abscess - is continuation of the sharp is purulent-destructive process which consequences make a basis of changes in a pulmonary fabric.

Friday, March 16, 2007

). Radio Isotope Scanning With Serves For Definition -

). Radio isotope scanning with serves for definition - of a blood-groove and participation of various departments of a lung in breath. Research make by means of multidetector "VAIMET" or the similar device having 16 gauges, each of which gives the information from a site of a field of the lung making 1/8 its part. At inhalation 133 last is distributed in lungs on bronchial tubes that gives the chance to define a share of participation of each pulmonary field in breath. On time of semideducing of a preparation judge a condition of bronchial passableness. The increase - in time of semideducing of an isotope testifies to obstructive process in a bronchial tube. At intravenous introduction of a preparation register its - distribution in lungs and deducing time that speaks about a condition a barrier. The method specifies true volume of the amazed pulmonary fabric. FUNCTIONAL METHODS OF RESEARCH , definition of indicators of external - breath separately for each lung, the pneumotachometry, definition - of minute both shock volumes and other researches - are necessary for the decision of a question about physiological for operation, optimum methods of preparation for operation, possible postoperative complications and methods of their preventive maintenance.

The Knot Which Is Not Absorbing _131, Name

The knot which is not absorbing _131, name "cold" knot (fig. 3). Such knots often happen the malignant nature. Do not accumulate _131 also , , hemorrhages and - sites a thyroid gland. Research of hormones make by means of - radio immune methods. - Definition - (4), factor - active in - blood whey, and parities of Tz is possible---: 4 a hormone. These researches help - to establish interrelation of function - of a hypophysis and a thyroid gland. Test with a rilizing-hormone (TRH) gives the exact information on frustration which - can arise at level , a hypophysis and a thyroid gland. The - test with - a rilizing-hormone is especially important - at . After - operation on a thyroid gland - and therapy _131 frequency makes 1,5 - 3 %, reaching, under some statistical data, in the remote terms 20 - 40 %. Preservation normal ba-zalnogo level and - its increase after stimulation - TRH regard as latent (latent) - primary , caused - by defeat of the - thyroid gland. At - secondary low or normal, and reactions to introduction TRH are not present.

At Physical Activity It Is Marked As Profound

At physical activity it is marked as profound breath, and more atop . After - loading quickly comes - to norm (not later than through 7 mines) Superficial breath Slowly comes to on - breath Loading is not possible . Appears after the majority is available in rest, amplifies - after it is expressed Participation - muscles in small it is speeded up, it (is sometimes slowed down) , % to 50 - 9040 - 80 40 , % to 60 - 9040 - 80 50 FASHIONS, % to dolzhnomu110 - 150 150 170 (-- oxygen operating ratio-) Less than 34 with to norm at breath of OdMenee 30 30 Reserve air, 800-300 300 300 ; arterial - blood, %94-9694-96 94 Factors as , and cellular immunity. That is why, beginning treatment of the patient with the lung or pleura disease, often accompanied by the big loss of fiber and a heavy intoxication, it is expedient to conduct research of these factors of immunity for timely correction and to supervise - their dynamics in the course of treatment. For studying immunity define and concentration antibodies (IgM, IgG, IgA) For an estimation of cellular immunity it is obligatory calculation of absolute and relative quantity , compasses in blood T-kletochnyi immunity estimate on reaction with a ram.

. The Tumour - Starts With A Sine,

. The tumour - starts with a sine, settles down below a corner of the bottom - jaw of century a sleepy triangle. Subjective symptoms poor. At neck research the tumour consistences is defined, it is limited and possible only in a horizontal direction at the small sizes. At over formation it is audible noise. The major importance for diagnostics has . On it is visible characteristic internal and external arteries with a bow-shaped deviation and to an internal carotid. The gleam of last is narrowed, however internal contours of a vessel the accurate. The abundance of small vascular branches in the formation location is characteristic. At malignant mark - considerable decrease . Treatment: the surgical-. At removal in case of the compelled resection of an internal or general carotid -- vessel prosthetics is necessary-. At a resection only the external carotid of need for prosthetics - of a vessel is not present. THYROID GLAND The thyroid gland (glandula thyroidea) is located on a forward surface of a neck and consists of two shares and an isthmus.

Friday, March 9, 2007

At Primary Stenoses In Full Or In Part

At primary stenoses in full or in part there is no webby part, a trachea dense, with deformed a cartilage rings Distinguish three kinds of the stenosis, limited circular, funneled and extended the Basic clinical displays arise in different terms and consist in difficulty of breath which sharply accrues at diseases that causes a hypostasis of a mucous membrane of a trachea Mark also , voices, - cough. Quite often join secondary processes. The diagnosis put at the research spent - necessarily in direct and lateral projections, and . Treatment at a primary local stenosis in case of - congenital membranes probably its removal through , at circular narrowing sometimes gives success by means of special . A radical method of treatment is the resection of the narrowed site of a trachea At - secondary stenoses treatment can consist at a distance or tumours ; at a compression a double arch of an aorta - in bandaging and a section of one of arches. The forecast: adverse at the widespread stenosis which has reached to considerable degree.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Nasledstvenno-genetic It Is Studied More Not Enough. Pathological

Nasledstvenno-genetic it is studied more not enough. Pathological anatomy: the cancer of a mammary gland develops from lacteal channels is more often. The dolkovyj cancer develops - from alveoluses and meets in 1 - 2 % of all cases of a cancer of a mammary gland, is characterised by its growth. The right and left mammary glands are surprised equally often. Bilateral defeat of mammary glands meets in 13 % - of supervision, at to the form of a cancer slightly more often. The tumour of the second mammary gland quite often has metastatic character. Distinguish central and forms of a cancer of a mammary gland. The central form is observed most often. Tumour localisation at the central form, a cancer: in at 47 %, in at 12 % of patients, other departments of a mammary gland (, and central) are surprised equally often. a mammary gland cancer occurs mainly and ways. The most frequent metastasises in a bone, easy, a pleura. Clinic and diagnostics: in stages tumour revealing is possible at specially organised inspection, including .

At A Chronic Osteomyelitis - With A Fistula

At a chronic osteomyelitis - with a fistula and sequester presence - an edge resection. Infectious develop after belly, or a returnable typhus, a paratyphus. The inflammatory centre arises in the centre parts - of edges, causes a picture or . Further comes limited a cartilage, the abscess and a fistula are formed. Sometimes inflammatory process passes from one cartilage to another, there is a set of fistulas. Clinic: temperature, moderate morbidity - and a swelling in the field of a costal cartilage, presence of a fistula with the purulent separated. Treatment: conservative therapy does not give results. - Radical operation consists in total removal of the amazed cartilage with an edge part. CHRONIC SPECIFIC INFLAMMATORY DISEASES OF THE CHEST WALL The tuberculosis of edges, breasts and clavicles develops more often - again at tubercular defeat of other bodies. Disease begins with the limited abscess. Inflammatory process passes to an edge, a cartilage, a - breast or a clavicle. The bottom edges, cartilages III - V edges are surprised more often.

Monday, February 26, 2007

At Heavy - Forms Of Disease In A

At heavy - forms of disease in a cardiac muscle there come sharply expressed - changes leading to warm activity - that is accompanied by a tachycardia, blinking of auricles, liver increase, occurrence of hypostases. Developments of stagnation in - lungs cause a short wind. Early sign is muscular - weakness which patients regard as fast fatigue or the general weakness. These signs are caused by frustration of a metabolism and power on. Often sick mark the expressed changes of function of a gastroenteric path. They are shown by attacks of belly-aches, the vomiting, an unstable chair with propensity to diarrheas. Sexual function weakens. At women it is broken - a cycle up to , can come -, a uterus, an atrophy of mammary glands. Quite often these changes conduct to barreness. Infringements of function of adrenal glands lead - to decrease in a vascular tone, occurrence of pigmentation round eyes (a symptom of Ellineka). The increase in exchange processes at a dash-otoksikoze leads to the raised disintegration of fibers and fats therefore decrease in weight of a body, despite the raised appetite progresses.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

At Research Reveal Backlog At Breath Of A

At research reveal backlog at breath of a part of a thorax, coo to the amazed department of a lung, morbidity at ; here define shortening a sound. On roentgenograms and the computer tomogram the dense shade is visible the big or smaller sizes. Despite spent treatment, the pneumonia is not authorised and gets long character. The heat is accompanied and down-pour then. Sometimes patients mark an unpleasant smell from a mouth. At a blood test reveal high , sharp shift of the formula of white blood to the left. The second period begins with abscess break in a bronchial tree. When it occurs through a large bronchial tube, the pus considerable quantity, sometimes with a blood impurity at once departs. The condition of the patient quickly improves. However more often an abscess occurs not a direct way, through a large bronchial tube, and through the twisting course formed by a small bronchial tube beginning in the top part of an abscess. Proceeding from it, its clearing of pus goes slowly, the condition of the patient - remains heavy.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

At Occurrence Of A Jet Pleurisy Do Punctures

At occurrence of a jet pleurisy do punctures of a pleura - with the subsequent introduction of antibiotics. At if punctures do not give result, a pleura for a constant . The abscesses of a lung located , also - or enter into them through a needle thin polyethylene - for pus and introduction of antibiotics. At an - inefficiency of treatment by means of punctures and at fast progressing of process make with removal of sequesters, opening of purulent cavities in a lung and them . While it is impossible to consider results of treatment satisfactory-, even at application of in due time begun active complex treatment makes to 20 %. BRONHOEKTATICHESKY ILLNESS name proof pathological expansions of a gleam of average and small bronchial tubes with infringement of ability of evacuation of a bronchial secret and inflammation development. Pathological expansion of bronchial tubes can be secondary - at a tuberculosis, a tumour, chronic abscesses or independent - pathological process. In this case tell about primary , or about illnesses.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

At In This Area Usually Pulmonary Sound Happens

At in this area usually pulmonary sound happens - truncated or dullness is defined. The data which manages - to be received at , are rather various Especially much largely - and damp rattles listen usually - in the mornings before the patient will clear the throat After quite often listen to only dry rattles. In remission the given blood tests and urine can not differ from norm During the period an aggravation of inflammatory - process the number of leukocytes raises, are marked blood count shift to the left, increases At heavy forms of disease it is found out , ; in urine - there is a fiber, cylinders. Radiological research considerably supplements . Found out changes are especially expressed-, if are accompanied In these cases the amazed department of a lung comes to light on the roentgenogram in the form of a triangular shade with top at a lung root. Its size much less than corresponding department (a share, a segment) a lung. At presence several segments it is possible - to note also shade displacement aside , increases of a dome of a diaphragm on the defeat party.