Thursday, April 5, 2007

Pathological Anatomy: During The Moment In A Pulmonary

Pathological anatomy: during the moment in a pulmonary fabric against morphological changes, - characteristic for a pneumonia, appears one or several sites . Under the influence of bacterial enzymes there is a purulent fusion weights, - the - cavity filled with pus is formed-. Destruction of a wall of one of the bronchial tubes which are in a zone , causes - pus receipt - in a bronchial tree. Further morphological changes are defined by a condition of reactance of the patient, - conditions an abscess and its sizes, a current - of inflammatory process in a surrounding pulmonary fabric. At single purulent abscesses the cavity is quickly enough released from pus, its walls are gradually cleared from weights and become covered by granulations, on an - abscess place the - hem or a narrow cavity is formed. At big it is bad cavities, long purulent fusion fabrics, presence of inflammatory process in surrounding departments of a lung clearing of a cavity from weights occurs slowly, in an abscess wall the dense cicatricial fabric, disturbing to healing is formed.

1 comment:

Infection Yeast Herpes said...

Yeast Infection : Depending on temperature humidity environments a kind and quantity of microorganisms duration of a survival of dysenteric bacteria from several days about one months. The favorable environment for bacteria are foodstuff. in milk and dairy products are capable not long to exist but also to be made multiple copies.