Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Abscesses On Localisation Happen Peripheral And Central, Single

Abscesses on localisation happen peripheral and central, single and plural, unilateral and bilateral II Staphylococcal lungs III Nagnoivshiesja lungs (with the characteristic on presence of complications and localisation) AND THE LUNG GANGRENE Abscess and lung gangrene - qualitatively various - pathological processes. At an abscess the limited is purulent-destructive process in a pulmonary fabric takes place. Restriction of the inflammatory centre and transition of putrefactive disintegration in a suppuration testify to the - expressed protective reaction of an organism while the widespread - gangrene grows out progressing as a result of weak reactance or full areactivity - of an organism. Among patients men at the age of 30 - prevail 35 years, women are ill in 6 - 7 times less often that is connected with features of industrial activity of men, more widespread among them abusing alcohol and the smoking conducting to infringement of drainage function of the top respiratory ways. Aetiology and : the major factors - causing development of abscesses and a gangrene of a lung, are a pulmonary fabric (owing to a bronchial tube, and inflammations) blood circulation frustration in it, direct influence of toxins on a vacuum pulmonary fabric with the broken blood circulation.

Monday, March 26, 2007

A Thyroid Gland Carry Out Sympathetic And Parasympathetic

a thyroid gland carry out sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves. Thyroid gland hormones - (4) and , and also a hormone - . As the basic components for formation of hormones serve and amino acid . Iodine arrives in an organism with food, water, air in the form of organic and inorganic connection. The balance in an organism is subject to considerable fluctuations. The superfluous quantity is allocated from an organism with urine (98 %) and bile (2 %). In blood organic and inorganic connections of iodine form and sodium. Under the influence of oxidising enzymes and turn to elementary iodine. In a thyroid gland - joining of iodine to fiber begins. Atoms of iodine join in (the amino acid rest ). Meath and ( and ) do not possess hormonal activity, but are a substratum for formation hormones: - (4 - ) and . in 5 - 6 times surpass in activity and in 2 - 3 times on speed in an organism, its formation occurs basically not in a thyroid gland, and in peripheral fabrics and is carried out by partial - , iodine losing one atom.