Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Besides, Allocate So-called A Cancer Characterised By Fast

Besides, allocate so-called a cancer characterised by fast development of metastasises of a tumour in - lymph nodes in the presence of a small tumour in a lung. The stage of development of tumoral process is defined on system. - a primary tumour. THAT is not present signs of primary tumour Tis - noninvasive a cancer 1 The tumour on the greatest diameter of 3 sm or is less, surrounded with a fabric of a lung or a pleura and without signs of defeat of a bronchial tree a share bronchial tube at 2 The tumour, which greatest diameter exceeds 3 sm, or a tumour of any the size), causing , or on root area. distribution a tumour should not outpass 2 sm Atelektaz or should cover not all lung, should not be a tumour of any size with direct distribution on adjacent bodies (a diaphragm, a chest wall, ) At tumour border is defined all in 2 sm , or the tumour causes - or ) all lung, or is available pleural - the diagnosis is confirmed by cytologic research , but the tumour is not found out or or is inaccessible you to the phenomenon (research methods cannot be applied) Regionarnye lymph nodes.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Clinical Displays Are Caused - By Joining Of

Clinical displays are caused - by joining of an infection and inflammation development in the expanded bronchial tubes. Patients mark cough with , frequent diseases, a short wind. The most informative method of treatment at a lung or its share is . At simple reduction of volume of a lung or its share, narrowing of a gleam of bronchial tubes accurately comes to light. At , besides reduction of volume of a lung or its share, are visible to a cavity with which segmentary and subsegmentary bronchial tubes come to an end. Treatment: treatment is possible only by a resection - of the changed part of a lung. Congenital stenoses of bronchial tubes. This developmental anomaly is observed seldom. As well as at a trachea stenosis, two forms - - distinguish the - stenoses arising at pressure from the outside (branches - of vessels and ), and the stenoses caused by formation of an internal diaphragm, interfering normal ventilation of a lung or its share. Disease symptoms depend on stenosis localisation.