Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Besides, Allocate So-called A Cancer Characterised By Fast

Besides, allocate so-called a cancer characterised by fast development of metastasises of a tumour in - lymph nodes in the presence of a small tumour in a lung. The stage of development of tumoral process is defined on system. - a primary tumour. THAT is not present signs of primary tumour Tis - noninvasive a cancer 1 The tumour on the greatest diameter of 3 sm or is less, surrounded with a fabric of a lung or a pleura and without signs of defeat of a bronchial tree a share bronchial tube at 2 The tumour, which greatest diameter exceeds 3 sm, or a tumour of any the size), causing , or on root area. distribution a tumour should not outpass 2 sm Atelektaz or should cover not all lung, should not be a tumour of any size with direct distribution on adjacent bodies (a diaphragm, a chest wall, ) At tumour border is defined all in 2 sm , or the tumour causes - or ) all lung, or is available pleural - the diagnosis is confirmed by cytologic research , but the tumour is not found out or or is inaccessible you to the phenomenon (research methods cannot be applied) Regionarnye lymph nodes.

1 comment:

Infection Yeast Herpes said...

Yeast Infection : In infection of foodstuff flies can play the important role. In some cases infection can occur also -household by at which factors of transfer become surrounding subjects.