Saturday, September 6, 2008

Periodically Arising Aggravations Lead - To Involving In

Periodically arising aggravations lead - to involving in inflammatory process of new sites of a lung, to growth - of a connecting fabric in a circle of an abscess and on a course of bronchial tubes-, to a thrombosis of vessels There are conditions for development new , a widespread bronchitis. Fusion of blood clots and in bronchial tubes conduct to to bleedings from - branches of bronchial arteries. Thus, the chain of pathoanatomical changes at chronic abscesses (single or plural) excludes possibility of an absolute recovery of the patient Clinic and diagnostics: two basic forms, or type, a current of chronic abscesses allocate. The first type. The sharp stage comes to the end with clinical recover - of the patient or considerable improvement. The patient write out - from a hospital with a normal body temperature. Changes in a lung are treated as the limited pneumosclerosis, sometimes with "a dry cavity". After an extract the condition remains - satisfactory, and the patient quite often starts to work.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Sometimes On Roentgenograms Are Visible To A Shade

Sometimes on roentgenograms are visible to a shade (gleams of the expanded - bronchial tubes), the pulmonary drawing caused - available at . gives the chance to characterise precisely - features of pathological process and its prevalence. come to light in the form of plural cylindrical or expansions of bronchial tubes with accurate contours. In the field of an arrangement small - branchings of bronchial tubes and an alveolus are not filled with contrast substance-. In the presence of accompanying the expanded bronchial tubes are pull together among themselves while at absence they occupy the usual position. The clinical semiology at illnesses varies depending on a stage of its development. It is possible to allocate three stages of development of disease, in general corresponding - to the stages of morphological changes resulted above in lungs of the Stage of development illnesses the Initial - stage. Cough changeable, the mucopurulent. Aggravations - of disease with a clinical picture the rare.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Quite Often (especially At A Craw) Patients Complain

Quite often (especially at a craw) patients complain of a weight condition in a head at body inclinations. At survey of these patients it is possible to note expansion of veins of a neck, characteristic drawing -"a head of a jellyfish" in the field of the top part of a chest wall. Breath infringement causes development of the changes - characterised as " heart". a sympathetic trunk - causes occurrence of a syndrome of Gornera (, , ), change half of body on the party . At a hypoglossal craw owing to a pushing off breath is broken. At a craw located behind a gullet, the complicated swallowing is marked, especially at head turn. Radiological research allows to establish a - barium delay - at level a craw, gullet displacement or in a direction. The aberrantnyj craw - pathologically increased additional - thyroid gland, often is exposed to malignant regeneration-. Quite often for a craw accept metastasises of a cancer of a thyroid gland in neck lymph nodes. Treatment: at small craws appoint -.