Friday, August 24, 2007

At Big A Craw Causing - Tracheas And

At big a craw causing - tracheas and vessels, the thyroid gland resection is shown. At all forms of a central craw if to consider possibility knots, surgical intervention - a resection - of a thyroid gland with the subsequent urgent histologic research - which defines the further tactics is necessary--. Preventive maintenance a craw consists in application - table salt, carrying out of a complex of sanitary-and-hygienic actions. ( a craw, illness) - disease which arises owing to the raised - secretion hormones and is accompanied by heavy infringements in various bodies and systems. Aetiology; the reasons are influences - factors (a sharp or chronic mental trauma, an infection) on an organism in the presence of contributing and genetic factors, infringements of functions of bodies systems. In patients in blood has been found out it is long operating stimulator LATS which - activates thyroid gland function. It is proved that LATS is an antibody specific in relation to a thyroid gland. An antigene to which arise , receptors , localised in a plasmatic membrane serve.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Mucopurulent Or Purulent, Sharing At Standing In A

mucopurulent or purulent, sharing at standing in a vessel on three layers (bottom - pus, average - a serous liquid, top - slime): quite often in e blood proveins are visible. Approximately at 10 % of patients pulmonary bleedings are marked. A source and bleedings are a mucous membrane of the expanded bronchial tubes and expansions of vessels in walls bron-hoektazov. Especially it is a lot of at the patient separates in the mornings - when it. to clear the throat after a dream in the position most convenient for of amazed department of a lung. Frequent symptoms of an aggravation of pathological process - are chest pains, a short wind. As a classical sign - consider fingers in a kind of "drum-type sticks" and nails in a kind of "hour fragments of glass". To quite often these changes accompany - to a pain in finitenesses (a syndrome hypertrophic osteoartro-patii, described by Pierre Mari and Bambergerom). At thorax survey it is usually possible to note backlog - at part breath a cage corresponding to area of defeat of a lung; especially accurately it happens is expressed at patients -, combined with to a lung part.