Sunday, August 19, 2007

Mucopurulent Or Purulent, Sharing At Standing In A

mucopurulent or purulent, sharing at standing in a vessel on three layers (bottom - pus, average - a serous liquid, top - slime): quite often in e blood proveins are visible. Approximately at 10 % of patients pulmonary bleedings are marked. A source and bleedings are a mucous membrane of the expanded bronchial tubes and expansions of vessels in walls bron-hoektazov. Especially it is a lot of at the patient separates in the mornings - when it. to clear the throat after a dream in the position most convenient for of amazed department of a lung. Frequent symptoms of an aggravation of pathological process - are chest pains, a short wind. As a classical sign - consider fingers in a kind of "drum-type sticks" and nails in a kind of "hour fragments of glass". To quite often these changes accompany - to a pain in finitenesses (a syndrome hypertrophic osteoartro-patii, described by Pierre Mari and Bambergerom). At thorax survey it is usually possible to note backlog - at part breath a cage corresponding to area of defeat of a lung; especially accurately it happens is expressed at patients -, combined with to a lung part.

1 comment:

Infection Yeast Herpes said...

Yeast Infection : Initial stage of illness. It is characterized by gradual or sharp development a syndrome. In the past the variant of gradual development of symptoms of an intoxication prevailed now almost equal frequency there are both of a variant.