Friday, November 2, 2007

Peripheral Cancer. Intrashare Tumoral Knot. In The -

Peripheral cancer. Intrashare tumoral knot. In the - beginning of development of distinct semiology there is no also a defeat reveal - usually casually at radiological research during - prophylactic medical examination. The tumour looks like a roundish shade in diameter 2 - 5 sm, with accurate contours. Gradually the tumour increases, squeezes, and then sprouts small bronchial branches. Usually - joins inflammatory process. Body rise in temperature, cough is thus marked. Treatment by antibiotics quickly improves the general condition of the patient, however a - shade in a lung remains. The further current of disease is defined by localisation of tumoral knot. At its arrangement is closer to a lung root usually early arises , and then a large bronchial tube and develops a segment or a share with characteristic for it a clinical picture. , besides a - shade of the triangular form, define roundish knot in the field of its top. Subpleural tumours. The core, and it is frequent also a unique symptom pains are.

1 comment:

Infection Yeast Herpes said...

Yeast Infection : Symptoms of defeat of bodies of digestion at the height of disease reach the maximal development. Lips of patients dry are quite often covered by crusts. Language is densely imposed grey-brownish for a short while edges and a tip of its brightly red color with prints of a teeth the "typhus" "roasted" language . At seriously ill patients language becomes dry and accepts a kind a stomach owing to the chair – is possible a lock in some cases liquid excrements in the form of pea soup and with an original sour smell. Distinct there is a rumbling and morbidity at a department of intestines Padalka's positive symptoms and are kept. The liver is increased well accessible its edge equal slightly rounded off sometimes painful a consistence . The spleen is increased as a rule is accessible