Sunday, October 28, 2007

Cavities Of The Expanded Bronchial Tubes For Pus.

Cavities of the expanded bronchial tubes for pus. In this stage are marked considerable m. changes and the bodies, caused - by a chronic purulent intoxication. The left lung is surprised in 2 - 3 times more often, than right - is the Most frequent develop in the bottom share of the left lung. Thus 70 % of patients have a defeat and a segment Simultaneous defeat of the bottom and average shares on the right - is observed at 40 % of patients. Approximately at 30 % of the patients suffering - by illness, bilateral defeat takes place. Clinic and diagnostics: for the - long, long-term current with periodic obostreni is characteristic. Some patients are disturbed many years only by cough with constantly increasing quantity . However at the - majority of patients the periods of relative well-being are replaced by the periods an aggravation during which time the body temperature raises, the significant amount branch is marked, - usually it makes from 50 to 200 ml/sut, at seriously ill patients reaches 500 ml and more.

1 comment:

Infection Yeast Herpes said...

Yeast Infection : Above lungs continue to be listened breath with a rigid shade and the absent-minded dry rattles. In some cases there are symptoms the pneumonias caused both the activator of a belly typhus and accompanying microflora.