Saturday, May 5, 2007

). TUMOURS OF THE CHEST WALL Good-quality Tumours (,

). TUMOURS OF THE CHEST WALL Good-quality tumours (, fibromas, ) develop slowly, without causing painful - symptoms. Histologic research of remote tumours - necessarily. Treatment: surgical, mainly for cosmetic - reasons. , develop from bone and fabrics of edges and a breast. As a rule, good-quality tumours slowly increase in sizes, however sometimes regenerate - in a sarcoma, start to grow quickly and give metastasises. Tumours of forward department of a thorax can reach the considerable sizes, without causing a pain and appreciable frustration of the general condition-. Sometimes turns in , - sprouting in a thorax that causes a chest pain, a short wind. The bone tumours which are settling down on a back surface of a thorax, start with a body of a shovel or a shoot more often, have a dense consistence, at movements are displaced together with a humeral belt. Treatment: the surgical. At shovels - full removal of a shovel with surrounding fabrics is shown. Malignant tumours (sarcomas of soft fabrics, bones and cartilages of a chest wall) are characterised by fast growth, - reach the big sizes, are exposed to disintegration in the centre, -.

1 comment:

Infection Yeast Herpes said...

Yeast Infection : Erased meets at all variants of illness. It is characterized by insignificant pains in a stomach and short-term within 1-2 days frustration of function of intestines. Excrements without blood and it is frequent without slime. The body temperature normal but can be . Quite often at the raised sensitivity guts is defined. In the quantity of leukocytes exceeds 20 in sight. At comes to light . The diagnosis is established after careful gathering the anamnesis of illness the epidemiological anamnesis and also –time laboratory inspection.