Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Distinguish , Gematogenno-embolichesky, And Traumatic Ways Of Occurrence

Distinguish , gematogenno-embolichesky, and traumatic ways of occurrence of pulmonary abscesses and a gangrene. Bronholegochnyj way. One of the most frequent reasons - of occurrence of abscesses and a gangrene is infringement of passableness of the segmentary and share bronchial tubes, caused by hit in their gleam of the infected material from . At an - unconsciousness (owing to alcoholic intoxication, after operation-), at heavy infectious diseases function - bronchial tubes is broken, a reflex is suppressed and the infected material (food parts, a scale, a saliva) can be fixed in a bronchial tube so much time, how many is necessary for development and the inflammatory phenomena in a corresponding site of a lung. As a rule, abscesses in these cases are localised in back segments (II, VI) and more often in the right lung. Similar conditions arise at corking of a bronchial tube - by a tumour, a foreign matter, at narrowing of its gleam by a hem ( abscesses). Removal of a foreign matter and restoration of passableness of a bronchial tube in these cases quite often lead to fast treatment of the patient.

1 comment:

Infection Yeast Herpes said...

Yeast Infection : the variant with a lung is characterized moderately or poorly expressed intoxication. Begins usually sharply with short-term rise of temperature till 37-38 °. At the first o'clock of illness weakness decrease in appetite are observed in the further there are moderate pains in a stomach. A chair from 3-5 up to 10 times day. Excrements or liquid it is frequent with slime and sometimes and with proveins of blood. Patients remain able-bodied and often resort to self-treatment. At survey language is imposed. the gut painful and at it is marked rumbling. At it is possible to find out or - and . Changes in are insignificant. Disease proceeds 3-5 less often 7-8 days and come to an end with recover.