Wednesday, November 28, 2007

At In The Field Of Diligence - A

At in the field of diligence - a bubble mark . The auskultativnye data is very various: rattles - at an inflammation; - bronchial, sometimes breath - in the presence of a cavity with air. , located at a lung root, and also the small sizes do not give the specified changes. Radiological research allows to find out in a - lung one or the several roundish or the oval form of homogeneous - shades with equal contours. However diagnostics - is complicated because the shade not always has equal contours. Quite often they change owing to inflammations; adjacent bronchial tubes causes a pulmonary fabric - that complicates treatment of revealed changes. At �destruction of a parasite and partial liquids between a chitinous cover and a fibrous capsule the free - space which at comes to light in the form of air sickle ("a symptom ") is formed-. At this - space is filled with contrast substance (a phenomenon ). At break in a bronchial tube the radiological picture is similar observed at a lung abscess - the - cavity with equal internal walls and liquid level comes to light-.

1 comment:

Infection Yeast Herpes said...

Yeast Infection : The period of recover. The broken functions of an organism are restored and there is its clearing of activators of a typhus. For the given period it is typical a syndrome which is kept 2-4 and depends on weight of the transferred disease. Among 3-5 % which have transferred to a belly typhus of patients become chronic .