Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Nasledstvenno-genetic It Is Studied More Not Enough. Pathological

Nasledstvenno-genetic it is studied more not enough. Pathological anatomy: the cancer of a mammary gland develops from lacteal channels is more often. The dolkovyj cancer develops - from alveoluses and meets in 1 - 2 % of all cases of a cancer of a mammary gland, is characterised by its growth. The right and left mammary glands are surprised equally often. Bilateral defeat of mammary glands meets in 13 % - of supervision, at to the form of a cancer slightly more often. The tumour of the second mammary gland quite often has metastatic character. Distinguish central and forms of a cancer of a mammary gland. The central form is observed most often. Tumour localisation at the central form, a cancer: in at 47 %, in at 12 % of patients, other departments of a mammary gland (, and central) are surprised equally often. a mammary gland cancer occurs mainly and ways. The most frequent metastasises in a bone, easy, a pleura. Clinic and diagnostics: in stages tumour revealing is possible at specially organised inspection, including .

1 comment:

Infection Yeast Herpes said...

Yeast Infection : The part of the bacteria possessing ability to having overcome all barriers gets into cytoplasm . The some people reach own layer of a mucous membrane. However the majority of microorganisms and macrophages at a level membranes.