Saturday, August 11, 2007

Preventive Inspection - Spend With The Help Photoroentgenography,

Preventive inspection - spend with the help photoroentgenography, if necessary carry out , . In early revealing of a cancer of a mammary gland the important role - belongs to self-inspection it is necessary for that to learn women. it is necessary at palpated consolidations in a mammary gland. The prinesomnennom diagnosis of a cancer of a mammary gland - carry out for the purpose of specification of changes in an - opposite mammary gland. At a palpated cancer on the shade of cancer knot more often single, has the wrong form and rough contours, , directed to a nipple, skin over knot. Small adjournment are sometimes defined to exhaust . At forms of a cancer of a mammary gland the - knot shade often is not defined, but congestions on the limited site, a skin thickening, reorganisation of structure of a mammary gland come to light. At the tumours developing from lacteal channels, on - defect of filling in a lacteal channel, it or is defined-. At not palpated cancer of a mammary gland when diameter of a tumour does not exceed 0,5 sm, on the knot shade forms with on peripheries or only a congestion - on the limited site is visible-.

1 comment:

Infection Yeast Herpes said...

Yeast Infection : In after short-term in the first 2-3 days moderated with 4-5- day of illness are marked with shift formulas to the left relative and a thrombocytopenia.