Wednesday, March 21, 2007

1 Currents Of Pathological - Process Caused As

1 currents of pathological - process Caused as features-. Very big, diameter more than 6 sm, cavities in a lung, presence of sequesters in a cavity; bad conditions for - (narrow a bronchial tube; a course from a cavity, - beginning in its top part), abscess localisation in the bottom share, languid reaction of an organism to inflammatory process. 2 Caused by errors in treatment of the patient: late begun antibacterial therapy; small doses of antibiotics, application of antibiotics without sensitivity of flora; - insufficient use of the actions directed on improvement - of conditions for of an abscess; insufficient - use medical means. The most often chronic current is accepted by abscesses with - slow formation of an abscess; the abscesses developing against - widespread pneumonic of a pulmonary fabric-, especially at old and older persons Pathological anatomy: the chronic abscess - is continuation of the sharp is purulent-destructive process which consequences make a basis of changes in a pulmonary fabric.

1 comment:

Infection Yeast Herpes said...

Yeast Infection : A source of an infection are patients a sharp or chronic dysentery and persons with the subclinical form of infectious process . The greatest epidemiological danger illnesses allocating during a heat represent to an environment sick of the sharp dysentery huge quantity of activators.