Wednesday, April 29, 2009

A Complex - Of The Formations Located Between

A complex - of the formations located between pleural bags from sides, a breast in front, a backbone behind and a diaphragm part from below, name -. Trachea and bronchial tubes. At level of VI VII cervical vertebras the throat passes in a trachea. The trachea - a piece of a respiratory tube from a throat to the main bronchial tubes the Throat, except , provides the prevention in a - trachea of alien particles, plays large role in the cough mechanism. The trachea - fibro-muskuljarnaja a tube of average 10 - 12 sm and 13 - 22 mm its Gleam remains width thanks to presence in a wall 15 - 20 the cartilages occupying 2/3,4/5 its circles both forming forward and lateral departments the Back department is called as a webby part. Between cartilages are located sheaves Outside a trachea it is covered by a case, from within - fur-trees a cover which is settling down on friable a layer In last are follicles and tubular glands, I produce a belkovo-mucous secret. The podslizistyj layer without sharp border passes in dense cartilages.


Infection Yeast Herpes said...

And moreover: such category as the love, appears the centre not so much that, how many the centre of the universe. To That steadfastly, attentively it is necessary to peer at everything that it concerns. And consequently its importance induces us to see everything concerning it, in such scale: In it there are no trifles, finally, all here corresponds with a universal context for thousand years. So, I repeat, fair it has appeared to devote to a theme " - " the special book. And here here there was me not a question, and : what should be this book that there was from it a maximum advantage for people (and without that swing what for and for good reason to undertake)? The matter is that very much and a lot of good, both philosophic, and practical works of type "the Man and the woman" it is created in the world for thousand years.

Infection Yeast Herpes said...

As is known
For development of epidemic process presence of three basic parts is necessary: a source of an infection the mechanism of Yeast Infection transfer of an infection and the susceptible population. Absence or break any of them leads to the termination of epidemic process.