Sunday, December 14, 2008

Treatment: Finding-out Of The Reasons And Their Elimination.

Treatment: finding-out of the reasons and their elimination. . At considerable allocation of milk and - its congestion - in dairy courses there is an expansion of lacteal - channels. Appear formations of various size. At pressing the secret is allocated for formation from a nipple; at corking a channel pressing on formation is not accompanied by allocation of a secret from a nipple. have the roundish or oval form, accurate contours, a consistence. Treatment: the surgical. DISGORMONALNAJA OF THE MAMMARY GLAND changes of mammary glands with prevalence of a painful syndrome, with presence of a neurosis and functional to change- . Disease is more often observed at not giving birth or - women, especially at women with labile nervous system and with diseases of genitals. In the period in one or both mammary glands appears a swelling-, pressure, an intensive pain with in , , areas, a shoulder. At consolidation, sharp morbidity After the termination pains, pressure of mammary glands decrease, and sometimes disappear.

1 comment:

Infection Yeast Herpes said...

To the by-effects caused concern irritating action on a mucous Yeast Infection membrane of a stomach formation of stones in to system etc. Plentiful alkaline drink partly prevents these by-effects especially infringement of function of kidneys.