Monday, March 16, 2009

Primary Tumours Start With A Wall Of A

Primary tumours start with a wall of a trachea and can be good-quality and malignant. Develop more often at the main bronchial tubes on a webby part. To good-quality tumours of a trachea carry a papilloma, a fibroma, , an adenoma, to malignant a cancer, to tsilind-rum and a sarcoma. Malignant tumours of a trachea make 0,1 0,2 % of all malignant new growths; are more often observed - at men. Clinic and diagnostics: most often sick with tumours complain of the cough amplifying at - change of position of a body and displacement of a trachea at its palpation. Cough can be dry or with which at tumour disintegration accepts putrefactive character. it is observed - usually in the form of blood proveins, arises as a late symptom is more often, however at can be intensive and - is the basic symptom of disease. Later, usually at narrowing of a gleam of a trachea on 2/3, there are other symptoms: voice change, difficulty of the breath sometimes accepting character , a short wind. The short wind happens is more often that distinguishes it from a short wind at a bronchial - asthma.


Infection Yeast Herpes said...

Simonsom, The professional-anthropologist from the American University Djuka, considerable Brain development, and, hence, and intelligence, has come in a course Evolutions of people later, than considered earlier. A brain (a skull It is found in Egypt) it has appeared less assumed. lived On coast of Nile about 300 million years ago! All of them concern to To "generation" of the general primogenitors of modern people (and monkeys), but this The kind of the first beings has appeared a deadlock branch of evolution of the person, Is, among nowadays existing its animal descendants is not present.

Infection Yeast Herpes said...

These purposes are served with monitor installations and the devices registering pulse breath arterial pressure an electrocardiogram and other parameters of a condition of the patient Yeast Infection