Tuesday, January 8, 2008

PLEURA The Pathological Processes Causing Morphological It From

PLEURA The pathological processes causing morphological it from and infringements of function, are diverse Distinguish grasses pleura damages, inflammatory processes, pair diseases and pleura new growths TRAUMATIC DAMAGES of the PLEURA Pleura damages arise at the closed trauma of a thorax or its getting wounds, can be accompanied by one temporarily damage of a chest wall, a pulmonary fabric or other bodies, a congestion to a pleural cavity of air ( a cancer), blood , blood and air , liquids , accumulation , pus , pus and air . Development with the subsequent blood or in a pleural cavity can owing to a trauma, and also at break in a pleural cavity , an abscess or a lung, - destruction of a wall of a bronchial tube at disintegration of a tumour or tubercular hectare and can be result seams of an operational wound or their divergence at a suppuration On the end, it can be created is artificial with the diagnostic or medical purpose On character of the message with an environment and opened As special forms allocate and strained Opened .

1 comment:

Infection Yeast Herpes said...

Yeast Infection : Diagnostics. At a belly typhus and diagnostics in the first 5-7 days of illness is most important. It is connected with the epidemiological requirements caused high of the patient the next days of illness and also dictated by -pathogenetic features of disease.