Saturday, May 3, 2008

Diagnosis Statement Is Helped By Reaction Of Vassermana,

Diagnosis statement is helped by reaction of Vassermana, cytologic - research of prints from ulcer edges. Treatment . a mammary gland meets seldom, can be primary and secondary At primary the activator - gets to a mammary gland through a skin or on to lacteal channels At secondary the activator on falls in a mammary gland a way from amazed edges, a pleura, a lung. The clinic and diagnostics disease begins with occurrence on a place of introduction of a fungus of small small knots and abscesses - In the subsequent stage small knots merge in dense which then are softened by places. After opening - of abscesses are formed it is long not healing fistulas. The diagnosis put on the basis of the anamnesis ( other bodies) and detection a congestion a radiant fungus in - from fistulas. Treatment: a resection of the amazed site of a mammary gland, , the big doses of penicillin, - therapy, , . Lactation infringement - a total absence of milk at the feeding woman the Great value is given to lactation regulation-.

1 comment:

Infection Yeast Herpes said...

Yeast Infection :Besides opportunities of creation of active immunity by vaccination as it was already specified there is an opportunity of creation of passive immunity.