Monday, June 16, 2008

The Definitive Diagnosis In Doubtful Cases Is Possible

The definitive diagnosis in doubtful cases is possible only after a site of the changed wall of a bronchial tube or cytologic research -, a print or a bronchial tube mucous membrane. Histologic research of a slice of the tumour received at , helps to make the definitive diagnosis and at - suspicion on a good-quality central tumour. The differential diagnosis between peripheral -, , good-quality tumours and a lung is most difficult-. At before its disintegration and break in a bronchial tube when in appear a tuberculosis, and the cavity in a lung comes to light, the - differential diagnosis can be spent only on the basis punk-tsionnoi formations in a lung. Indirect signs are primary localisation of formation - in lung departments, the non-uniformity of a fabric - revealed at radiological research. The last speaks - distinction components in (from a pneumonia to ). Good-quality tumours of lungs peripheral gamarto - long time proceed , usually them casually reveal at radiological research.

1 comment:

Infection Yeast Herpes said...

Yeast Infection : The period of recover with intervals in 5 days carry out triple control bacteriological research and urine and unitary research of bile. At detection of the activator in to urine or bile subject to intensive treatment in a hospital depending on an accompanying pathology and reactance of an organism.