Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Fall Ill With A Cancer Of The Easy

Fall ill with a cancer of the easy man more often. The parity of number - of falling ill men to number of women makes 8:1. Aetiology: the major factors promoting - development of a cancer of a lung, harmful influences on a mucous membrane of a bronchial tree of the various substances getting to respiratory ways are. They cause development of a chronic - bronchitis, vibrating bronchial tubes in flat and its subsequent malignant regeneration. To the substances, undoubtedly having cancerogenic an effect-, the products formed at combustion of oil and its - derivatives carry-; the ores containing radioactive substances, cobalt, nickel, arsenic. The special place is occupied with the products formed at combustion of tobacco, - . It is proved that at persons, it is long - and many smokers, a lung cancer develop in 20 times more often, than at the non-smoking. The establishment of these facts demands carrying out of some preventive actions for clearing of air of city areas with automobile movement, on smoke elimination the enterprises, to elimination of a dust content of air and.

1 comment:

Infection Yeast Herpes said...

Yeast Infection : At hit in an organism through a mouth and overcoming of protective barriers of the top departments of a digestive path bacteria get into a gleam of a thin gut a phase . From a gleam of a gut through formations of its mucous membrane follicles and their congestions – group lymphatic follicles bacteria get in lymph nodes mainly where are intensively made multiple copies that leads to development of inflammatory process a phase primary to an infection