Tuesday, July 29, 2008

. Primary (- Illness Of Recklinghausen Or Fibrozno-kistoznaja

. Primary (- illness of Recklinghausen or fibrozno-kistoznaja the dystrophy) is characterised by an osteoporosis, -, deformations and pathological crises of bones, - occurrence of stones and in kidneys. Disease meets usually aged is more senior 30 years, women is more often are ill. A - morphological substratum is the single adenoma of gland or it . Clinic and diagnostics: the clinical picture - is various. More often symptoms from outside kidneys, - bones and a gastroenteric path are observed-. Clinical forms -: nephritic, bone, mixed, and sharp . At the nephritic form the semiology is similar to urolithic illness. The patient is disturbed by nephritic gripes, , . Joining of an infection and degenerate changes in - kidneys lead to a pyelonephritis, , and uraemias. For the bone form pains in joints, bones and a - backbone, not disappearing even at rest are characteristic-. An early - diagnostic sign are destructions a bone layer on phalanxes of fingers of a brush, fusion parts of III phalanx which is not found out at any other disease of bones.

1 comment:

Infection Yeast Herpes said...

Yeast Infection : From the moment of development of an infection there are the protective reactions promoting clearing of an organism from a microorganism-activator. In this process the important role belongs to specific antibodies -connecting and also to increase to activity of macrophages.