Tuesday, September 16, 2008

In Connection With Prevalence , Variety Morphological Change,

In connection with prevalence , variety morphological change, clinical forms of a current, features of treatment the tuberculosis of lungs is considered in special managements. It is necessary to underline, however, that the differential diagnosis - between a tuberculosis and a number of other diseases of the lungs often demanding application of surgical treatment, represents difficulties Besides, quite often those or other pathological - processes (a cancer, , proof a share or all lung, etc.) develop against a tuberculosis or last - even is an immediate cause from development In these cases surgical treatment often happens it is necessary to combine All stated with intensive antitubercular medicamentous therapy does necessary careful research of each patient with disease of lungs for the purpose of revealing at it a tuberculosis of lungs. The majority of patients with various forms of a tuberculosis of lungs accepts surgical intervention - removal - of the amazed part of the easy Indication to a lung resection at a tuberculosis can be shown in following groups.

1 comment:

Infection Yeast Herpes said...

Yeast Infection : On 3-rd week occur tearing away elements fabrics and formation of ulcers the period of formation of ulcers . Thus deep layers of a mucous membrane and bases are naked. By the end of 3-rd – to the beginning of 4-th week of illness tearing away fabrics comes to an end and begins the fourth period – the period of " pure ulcers ".