Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Define - Size, A - Consistence, Quantity, Mobility,

Define - size, a - consistence, quantity, mobility, morbidity - of lymph nodes. Technique - of self-inspection of mammary glands. For early revealing of the predopuho-left changes and - tumours of mammary glands all women are more senior 25 years should to watch a condition of mammary glands, i.e. To learn receptions - of self-inspection which - should be spent once a month in any day of 1st week after a cycle (fig. 8.) The woman should undress to a belt, examine linen, - especially in those places where it adjoined to dummies. Presence of stains (, brown or colourless) specifies on allocation from a nipple which appear at - mammary gland diseases. An exception make allocation of nipples at recently feeding when the - changes connected with pregnancy and a lactation yet have not come to the end-. Then it is examined mammary glands before a mirror at first in position with lowered, and then with the - hands lifted on a - nape. Thus it is necessary to turn slowly to the right, and then to the left.

1 comment:

Infection Yeast Herpes said...

Yeast Infection : Alongside with increase of the general nonspecific resistency of an organism the specific preventive maintenance consisting creation of artificial immunity concerns to such actions active and passive against infectious diseases.