Thursday, December 4, 2008

Thus - Observe Receipt Of Contrast From A

Thus - observe receipt of contrast from a gullet in a tree. At an establishment of the diagnosis congenital a fistula early - urgent reconstructive operation - which is better to carry out in the first days after a birth is necessary--. Got fistulas arise at sick - of a gullet or trachea cancer at tumour disintegration. Less often traumatic damages and trachea and gullet wounds, punching of a wall of a gullet and a trachea at buzhiro-vanii a gullet, disintegration -- of the lymph nodes amazed with a tuberculosis happen their reason--. Observe punching in a trachea a gullet, - from or a narcotic tube even more seldom-. Symptoms a fistula depend on the sizes, a direction of a course of a fistula, presence or absence in it - the mechanism. At wide enough fistula - occurrence of fits of coughing is characteristic - during food intake. Cough can be accompanied by an asthma and , allocation with - food slices-. At a fistula with the mechanism cough during meal can be absent. Sometimes patients mark chest pains, voices, and vomiting with blood; the pneumonia which accepts a chronic current often develops.

1 comment:

Infection Yeast Herpes said...

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